Chapter Eighteen

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When I woke up again, I was still in Oswell's room, in his arms. I turned and saw his sleeping face, making me smile. I kissed his forehead and slide out of his arms, going the door. Opening it, I looked around, making sure no one was around before I quickly rushed to my room. I grabbed a black tank top, black skinny jeans and my usual gloves and jacket, heading to the bathroom. Inside, I found a cupboard full of towels with people's names written on them and I water proof sharpie. At the bottom, there were a handful of towels with no name on them, so I grabbed one and the sharpie and wrote my name on it, then had my shower. I got out, dried myself, then got dressed and put my hair up into a pony as I walked down to the kitchen for some breakfast. I grabbed some bread and peanut butter and put the bread in the toaster. While I waited for it to pop, I thought of my dream. I had to know if my father was in this group. They mightn't know what his actual name was, but I was going to look through those files if I had to. My toast popped up and I grabbed it, spreading peanut butter over it and taking a bite. It'd probably best if I asked Rikard, but knowing him, he wouldn't let me look, or tell me anything at all. I continued eating my toast, trying to think of other ways to find out. Maybe Conner knows something, but he might not tell me. It's worth a try, if anything. I was on my second piece of toast when Caellum came downstairs.

"Hey," he greeted hesitantly, like I was going to bite his head off if he said something wrong. But it was Oswell he should be scared.

"Hi. How was your night?" I replied.

"Boring. I had to stay in the car and went to Melbourne. Wasn't with the nicest chic either. Kept complaining some bitch stole her boyfriend. I don't know," he sighed.

"Was her name Chandra? Drop dead gorgeous?" I questioned as he opened the fridge.

"Yeah. Why? You know here?" he answered.

"Kind of. Her "boyfriend" is Oswell and I'm the bitch," I explained and he nodded.

"Now I remember, they joined on the same night, only a few months after I did," he remembered as he grabbed out the orange juice.

"Yeah, her," I said, finishing my breakfast.

"Sorry about the bruise, by the way. Was about to say that when Oswell came down," he apologized and I nodded as I washed my plate and he grabbed a glass, pouring the orange juice in.

"Bruises. I got one on each arm and each hip. The right side is just worse," I countered and he cringed.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just pissed, if you couldn't tell," he replied.

"No hard feelings. You're still my friend, even if I'm not yours," I shrugged, drying my plate.

"No, you're still my friend. I had time to think about it more since you left and I realized that I mistook friendship as feelings," he explained and I nodded. Putting the plate away, I turned to him and held out my hand.

"Friends?" I asked and he turned too, smiling. He took my hand and shook it.

"Friends," he agreed and I smiled too. "Though Oswell is very over protective," he added.

"You don't know the half of it. He's over protective, over possessive and an absolute jerk sometimes. But every time he is, he means well," I told him and he nodded.

"So are you two together?" Caellum inquired.

"Yeah. There was a pull between us the moment we met and while he didn't deny it, I kept fighting it. But while we were away, I decided to accept it and see what would happen," I answered.

"Good for you," he congratulated.

"Thanks," I replied.

"So he treats you well?" Caellum insisted and I giggled.

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