Part 49 (Peter's POV)

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I will never, not EVER have any sort of quarrel with a man as long as I live! Hitting that fellow had been done by some sort of act to protect my brothers who clearly did not need my help.

"Oh, why did I get in it?" I ask myself while raising my pathetic arm up to reveal the dangling right hand of mine.

Looking over to Jack driving I hiss at him to hurry before my hand falls off and fling it to him.

"Christ, look at you," he smiles while mentioning my sassy attitude. "A man hits you, and suddenly your mouth can't keep quiet."

Lania's hand smacks Jack in the neck. "You be nicer, no one even touched you."

Proudly, Jack puffed his chest as he looked in the rearview mirror to properly speak to her. "Which is something I take pride in, love. The Wallis charm isn't the only thing I inherited!"

Clearly , one of them wasn't a brain.

Sighing I rest back into the seat. Lania, and Mathew had sat in the back while Jack shoved me in the front, telling me to play along and not look back, whatever that meant.

Closing my eye I try and remember the fight, how odd it was that it seemed so far away now. Everything from how Lania spoke to the way my brothers swung had seemed more like a dream, one I was quickly knocked out off from the beginning. Slowly my brows furrow. Mathew had never behaved so madly, or fiercely as he had tonight.

Blinking my eye open I couldn't help but wonder. Mathew...he does have feelings for her. They weren't just regular feelings that Jack, and I carried, no, they were more, always had been.

Focusing on the conversation they were having behind me, I lay my hand on my lap.

"You definitely do know how to defend yourself," Mathew's low tone cause my mouth to drop a bit. I had never heard that in him before.

"Pfft, you should have known that before," she replied while Mathew's voice whispered something I couldn't catch. In response, Lania stuttered through a hiss, "You did not run to my rescue!"

"You were happy to see me hit Dale."

"I would have been happy if I would have done it myself. Oh, don't even bring him up. He is the last man on Earth whose name I want on my lips."

"Who is the first??

I slid my eye to see Jack wickedly grinning to the road. That conniving, sneaky, brilliant egg head! He had planned them to be in the back and have their lovely couple quarrels right out in the open.


The thought of heading home in a few days, three, and that this all would be over.

...what will happen then?

Would Mathew stay for her sake? Would she go and run off with him? Too many questions and only a small palm full of answers could be giving if I were to be rational.

Now, from my day dreaming point of view, oh, how I could see them together in a million different ways. Love made things lavender in my mind, and nothing was impossible which explains why I had fallen for my nutty, little vixen, Jean. Our love would make it, because love worked wonders. Silently I hoped it would for Mathew, and Lania.

I wonder if he will give her Father's letter or would it be all of us?

Twisting my lips, I turn back to ask him. There, I spot the silhouette figures of both. Mathew's leaning far more than I'd ever seen him with a woman. Before I could register that they were indeed sharing a kiss, Jack smacked me.

"Oh," I quietly groan as I rub my neck. He motions for me to keep my head straight on the road then winks to me as if he had also known that tender moment behind us would happen.

Oh, since when were you a bloody magician?

Giving him some credit, I did see that maybe this entire trip had helped us all. Trying to give them some privacy I then start a pathetic conversation with Jack.

"S-so, how is the weather?"

I'm horrible at keeping cool.

Sarcastically, Jack says it's bright and sunny when clearly it was pitch dark. Mumbling about silly conversation starters he then interrupts everyone's train of thought as he mentions they were at Lania's home.

Mathew seemed to groan in annoyance. I peeked back to see him protectively holding Lania's waist, pressing it to his side as she broke the kiss.

"Did you just growl at me, little brother?" Jack smiled at Mathew through the mirror while chuckling. Lania quickly took the chance to slip out Mathew's hands, and dart out the door. Waving good-bye she then stopped and returned to my window. Rolling it down I saw her flustered face, and hot pink, bruised lips.

"Thanks, you guys." She smiled at the grass as her hands pressed to the car. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

After she left, Jack and I mentally tried to communicate with one another.

My eyes flung around as his darted from side to side with his brows.

"Don't you dare say anything, Jack."

"I am not even talking!"

"You drank enough to blabber all night!"

"Calm down you ninny."

"You know he's not good with his feelings."

"Clearly, he just showed plenty of those feelings."

"Oh, just make sure to keep your mouth shut, please do."

"Whatever." Jack ends it with an eye roll as he starts the car.

As we head down the road and turn at the intersection I blurt out, "Wait, are you even suppose to be driving?! Don't you smile at me!"

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