Part 39

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Mathew drove on for what seemed like hours, though I knew it was less than that. He had pulled up to a near by lake, and parked in the empty lot above the water.

Leaning over, I remove my seatbelt and admire the moonlight reflecting off ther water. Personally, silver was always prettier than gold. The glowing pool of moon shimmered back into my eyes while I folded my arms over the dash board.

"Are you going to murder me here or something?" I blurted out, then gave a frown-smile as he laughed.

I missed that sound. His eyes twinkled with nature, and I smiled inwardly till my own eyes were closed.

He removed his seatbelt, then sat back while his head turned to me. "Why must you always find yourself trapped?"

Couldn't tell if it was a joke, but I answered it anyway, "Guess everyone is hunting for me, ha, ha, ha."

"Mmm, and have you put any of your new self to the test?"

Guess he was wondering about Greg, or was it Dale? Wetting my lips, I bounce my head from side to side. "Kind-ah."

"Kind of?"

Shrugging my shoulders I explained that I had felt pretty confident till my mother pushed a suitor out of nowhere. It had startled me, and forced me seven lessons back instead of foward.

"Ah, I see. Then we need to have you leap back up, no?"

"I don't like that tone." I quietly say as I tuck my lips into my crossed arms.

He leans in, then promps his arm to the window behind me. "Just for...educational purposes, simple reasons only for your sake,... I suppose I can give you a lesson worth ten."

My lungs became unable to contain oxygen as he melted his hand into the back of my neck. Something in me wanted an explanation on why he would do what I thought he was about to do.

He's d-drunk?! Yes, or maybe took some of my mother's crazy pills that she slips into her wine every Tuesday night -but today wasn't Tuesday, and he doesn't know her hiding spot! Maybe he had bad tea! i heard the English had weak stomachs when it came to our processed tea bags! Why are you leaning in so close?! D-d-did you just part your lips?! Your nose is about to knock into mine?! Titanic!

"Uh-ah, I am, you are-" my words slipped out without first forming into a proper sentence before leaving my mouth.

Is it the dress that's turning him on?

"This dress makes you look ridiculous." Mathew stated while rubbing the material.

Okay, maybe not. I pressed my body back into his hand to avoid going forward into his face. That freaking handsome face.

Smiling back at me, he cooly adds that somehow I wasn't ready for this. After all, kissing wasn't my strongest suit.

Don't brush me off like some kid!

Quickly running into the decision, I nodded with my eyes shut, "Just do it, but let-"

Midway through my important demands, he goes for it with my mouth open for the taking.

"Mmm!" I protest, but his tongue works its way around mine, tingling with the vibrations. My hands shockingly knew what to do as they worked their way onto his shoulders. Mathew's body responded, then he pressed his chest onto mine. Lord, the man was...a man.

Our lips collided over and over again til my lips stung and burned as if it had been whipped by electric wires. My fingers were entwined witin his hair as my own hair was sprayed all over the place. We had stopped, and were centimeters away, breathing as if we had ran miles to reach each other.

Say something. My eyes look over his while I swallow the taste of him. His breath coated my collar bones as he got closer. Slowly, I moved my hands to his back. Come on, say something, please, because I can't.

Resting his head on my cheek, I feel his hold loosen.  My head taps back into the window as I call out his name. It was the only word that was floating in my lips.

"Apologizes, I had been working all day...I find myself worn out suddenly."

A big thunk hit me, and the mood was killed quite quickly. "Well, this lesson turned out to be great." I sarcastically mutter. Letting my arms fall to my sides, Mathew wraps an arm around my waist. Snapping my eyes to the side of his head, I feel his heart start to race again.

"You enjoyed it," he said as if it were a fact.

Okay, it was, but he didn't have to act as if he knew it was. Rolling my eyes I ask why it always had to be him to kiss me.

"Ah, and which one of my brothers would you like to have a passionate lesson with then?"

Don't test me, Wallis, because I can fire back, too.

"There was passion in that kiss?" I ask as he stiffens. Gotcha.

"Madam, let me sleep."

"Well, at least this kissy lesson is over." I quietly add before licking my lips. Thank goodness he couldn't see the smile plastered on my face.

Mathew chuckles, "You did not even pass, sweetheart."

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