Part 9

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"Are you going to pretend I don't exist? Just take my hand." Mathew said. He slowed his pace, then weaved his hand with mine. How could I not turn red? I was out in public with a man; one that had the grip of a gorilla! Shifting my fingers around his, I caught a glimpse of our reflections on a shops window.

"We look like we are-"

"A couple, yes. That is the point. You can't simply expect to have a relationship just behind closed doors, Lania. Get used to this."

"I was going to say NOT in love, but okay." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" Mathew snapped back and squeezed my little hand to a pulp.

"Can't we walk somewhere else, like a deserted part of town?!" I shake our linked fingers in the air.

"Rubbish. Your love will want to display his affections to the public at some point."

Mathew didn't bother looking at my face when he spoke. Unlike the other day at the café, now he was ignoring my eyes completely. Good. I was having trouble keeping my cursed blushing under control.

He lead the way through the plaza. My eyes scanned around for anyone who might know me, once it all seemed clear I sighed. As if I were that popular to be noticed anyway.

Mathew was waiting for me to say something, and the one thing I wanted to ask, well, it wouldn't come out.

Gripping onto my sweater, I then dug into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

"What does this mean?" Quickly I asked shoving it to his face.

"This?" He took it with his free hand, inspecting the silly handwriting, "who wrote this?"

He continued walking while my steps grew heavier. Why was I nervous all of a sudden? Was it because it had to do with Dale? CURSE THAT BOY.

My heart started to box through my skin.

"It was Dale, okay. B-but wrote it onto my coffee order. I don't know what it really means, you know, with all those hearts around my name it seems,... odd." My heart kept punching at the mention of his name. "I mean, I'm afraid to even think it means he-- Dale, really likes me."

I waited for his answer to be a, no, silly girl.

I wanted for it to be also , of course, silly girl.

Finally he chuckled. "He likes you, clearly. Using schoolboy tactics no less."

"It's difficult trying to not dismiss the idea, but I always do." The sweet tone I put most days was fading and I sounded tired. "I mean, I get so defensive. I'm aware I'm still a simple girl too afraid to get my heart bruised." Whoa, how honest, huh.

Birds dipped down and landed along side us, and the trees rustled around while the town's flags waved back and forth. The plaza was soothing, but it couldn't calm me down, not right now anyway. During this little moment, everything seemed a lot less rushed; time slowed, and no one could hear the birds.

Facing Mathew, I smiled a little. "Did I say too much, again?"

"At least you can say them with honesty."

"To you." I giggled, "well, I know you're not a bad person, oh-Little Mr. Wallis."

The corner of his lips curled into a smile as he wiggled his fingers, "watch it, Ms. Kett."

I forgot how nervous his touch made me feel and started swinging my hand making us look jolly. He didn't seem to be bothered by it, so we kept walking till he cleared his throat.

"Now let me hold you like this." He snaked his arm around my waist. That did it.

My skin crawled as his fingers brushed against my back, and my face exploded with color.

"Ah-wait-wait!" I jerked away almost tripping over my own feet, but he pulled me back in.

"Hand holding was not so bad, yes?" Again he started leading the way. "Now this is how more," his jaw became firm, "...advance couples stroll about."

Advance? I never advance. I can't even pass the first level of Super Mario.

We were far too close.

"I can't move my hand." I blurted out trying to loosen his grip. His right arm was coiled around my waist, leaving my left arm between us. "My arm feels numb!"

"Wrap it around my waist."

Groaning, I gave it a good two minutes before I told myself that there's no way better time to experience it than with this test dummy. Fuck it. Wiggling loose my hand tapped his bottom before finally resting on his waist.

"Uh-hum--uh-sorry. I didn't try to do it on purpose!" God, it felt plump! Does this man have more ass than I do!?

"Have you honestly never touched a man before?"

As if I wanted to have this conversation again with a man. It never leads to anything good. He asked again. Even I knew that was a big step; he hated to repeat himself.

"I have, but not in a sensual, sexual, romantic way. Just as friends, really."

"Touch it again."

"When I was younger I nev-" Something clicked, I whipped my face up at his. We were inches apart; the closest we've been thus far. "Excuse me?!"

"My bottom, my ass, silly girl. You can touch it again. I give you permission on this."

"EXCUSE ME?!" If my face was red before, now it must have been purple because I couldn't breathe in all these words he was throwing at me. Plus the sensitive part of my brain was making fantasies I would never dare mention!

"Sir, I am not going to grope your ass in public. I am not that kind of woman!"

A couple passed us with hands in each others back pockets. Was this really a thing?

"Here," He rolled his eyes while shoving my hand low to his bottom. I escaped his entire hold and stood five feet away gripping onto my hand as if it touched fire.

Hot buns. Hot, hot, buns,...with a sausg-argh, no! Stop!


"Tomorrow, we go to the beach."


Thank you for reading it up till now. I hope you've enjoyed it! I'll be posting the next part as soon as possible, but you know how that pesky, little thing called a JOB gets in the way.

I would write forever if could.

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