Part 47 (Mathew's POV)

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The second I heard her name I felt my entire being shut down. How badly did my arms want to have her, but my mind disconnected all actions for my own good. She didn't need to know of such silly feelings that ramble through my chest --but how bloody hell could I not have missed her? She was the only person I bothered to associate with while in America. Beneath many things, in the end...she was a sort of companion --friend. I cared for her, and I wanted to know why she had not bothered to answer any of us after her date with that boy. The thought of him clearly gives me the taste of spoiled milk.

I had noticed something was not right, both Jack, and I could see we were not included in Lania's little secret. When Peter made it clear he knew something I did not, well, I would have rung his neck if he hadn't tried to escape. The moment he did choose to go was bad timing, though.

I stared back to the little raven haired boy that Lania had had in her heart for Lord knows how long. Clenching a fist I wait for Dale to sweetly greet himself to her.

Go on, and do it. Hug her, you idiot. Yet as I eye him, and Lania, they were not eyes of some love-struck pair. What had happened?

The fool then had the nerve to make a scowl in my direction, then to Jack, and Peter. What in bloody hell did we do?

Open your mouth, boy, do give me a reason to be truly in an awful mood. I cock a brow to test the waters, and Dale wastes no time making things clear.

Standing fully upwards, Dale then gets the most annoying, crooked grin, and opens his arms. Whatever it is, it's going to piss me off, whether it be something sweet or sour. I detest his voice. Clearing his throat, he inhales to then blast out loud,  "Wow! So you all just share her, huh?"

Great, he is also a drunk. The smell of his breathed kicked my nostrils back as they tried to flare away the stench.

Lania keeps quiet as her hands shake rapidly into two tiny fists. Jack waved his wrists loosely as to shoo Dale, and his abrasive group of boys away. "You a bit too taken, boy, sod off and take a rest elsewhere."

Dale didn't understand a thing my brother said, and as the ignorant fool he was, he took it in offense. I turn to Jack and tell him to stay calm. It was easy to see Jack was ready to throw a punch or two. When it came to men, my older brother wasn't as sweet and charming.

Alphas. I roll my eyes back to Dale's. The way he peered down to Lania didn't please me at all, and how he grinned only made me brace myself for whatever he was about to say next.

"So, which one of these three did you go fuck after I left your ass in the rain?"

The glass in my hand smacked right down as I stood up. Both Jack, and Peter's jaws became firm as they stared back to the drunk. Lania quickly jumped at the sound of the cup hitting the table, and spun around with hands protectively telling us it was all okay. As she snapped her head back at Dale she added, "the only one here hurt from rejection is Dale."

You rejected him? I blinked back as my stomach flipped, "I beg your pardon?"

Groaning she faced me and had her rosy cheeks pulse as she whispered loud enough for only my brothers and I to hear. "I pushed away when he tried to kiss me!"

Were those bells ringing in my ears or were they of war? My eyes closed to the thought of the bloody latte-sucking fool trying to go and kiss her. Yet as I opened my eyes to stare at her tender, little face, I rejoiced at the fact she didn't want it.

One of the boys with Dale spoke up and asked if everything was okay. Dale quickly snapped back a laugh saying, "Yeah, I can handle these fish-and-biscuit boys from fucking England!"

Fish, and biscuit boys? First, it is 'fish and chips'. Two, it is 'tea and biscuit', and three, we are from The United Kingdom, you bloody idiot.

Lania scoffs, and as if she shared my brain, quickly she corrected all of Dale's ignorant insults. He brushed her off and told her to shut up and go put her mouth to good use somewhere else.

Smacking his hand aside, she then tells him to leave.

"I am not going anywhere! What, you can't take on another guy? Come on, it should be easy for you."

Don't touch her. My hands quickly go to block him as he tries to take her hand after she had smacked him. I move from across the table and next to Lania, and Peter. Jack takes in his entire drink and stands up. We clearly tower over the young boys. Dale releases her, then stands back to get a better view of his opponents.

"You're...such a fucking whore," he sighs out with disappointment as he eyes her angry, red face. I could see it all play in my head. Dale had probably mentioned that he had seen her with one of us throughout some point in the month. Lania maybe tried to explain, but he didn't listen. Wetting my lips, I picture her walking in the rain while I curse why she didn't just call me that night. I would have picked her up, and gladly ran over the drunk.

"You're such a fucking loser," Lania replied slowly as she narrowed her eyes.

"Fuck you," Dale leaned in, then shaking his fist he quickly looked to the closest person to spill his anger to. "Fuck you, too."

Dear Peter, our Baby Boy was knocked back like the pole he was when it came to hits.

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