Part 45

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Straight from work I had managed to tuck my ass in the break room then make a bee-line for the side exit. I knew one of them were waiting for me outside, and I was not ready to confront any of them, nor was I in the mood to speak about what had happened with Dale.

As soon as I arrived home, I saw Peter waiting alone in his car. He saw me pull in and park. Before he could open his door, I ran like hell past him and right into the door.

Cursed thing was finally locked, and I had to juggle quickly to find my house key.

Ha! I turned the knob and hopped inside. Slamming the door on him was a bit rude, but it was for my own good. Today I was not in the mood to cry about any man. As I swiftly sneak past the windows, I head up to my room for another day of solitude.

Peter would understand, I am sure. I tell myself to not start feeling sorry for brushing him off. Following my routine, I fall back on my bed and roll around till the covers had wrapped me like sushi.

Through the blanket, I heard my muffled voice. "Mm, I should have brought a snack or something..." The softness, and warmth of my bed swallowed me whole as I forced myself to drift away into a much needed nap. Maybe even to supress the stupid roaring going on inside my stomach.

Not five minutes later, a phone started ringing, playing Milk And Money. Poking my head up, I start searching for my bag. Plucking out my phone I see the sound was not coming from me.

"What on earth?" My brows furrow together trying to figure out if my ears were playing tricks on me. Throughout the days I have been drowing my head with music, so it could be that now random tracks were playing in my head. That, or I was crazy. As my drop it back into my bag, my head snaps to my window. The music grew louder, and the second I saw a tennis shoe connected tot a scrawny ankle, my mouth parted open.

My foot slipped as I panicked. "Gah!" The window sill was now being held by a pair of hands covered in little cuts from the rose bushes that guarded our house. My hands gripped my lamp, and as I was about to strike, Peter's baby eyes popped up.

Setting the lamp back, my hands flopped at my sides. "Peter? What are you doing?" His eyes pleaded for me to ask questions after I had helped him. Using the bit of strength I had, we both managed to have him on my floor within a couple of seconds.

He was on his knees with both arms holding up his upper body panting for air as his phone continued to ring. I huddled back into my bed, waiting for him to say something other than breathless words I couldn't understand.

"Ah, ah, o-one, oh, lord, one m-moment, please," Peter begged as he struggled to breathe. His hands searched his pockets till he picked out his phone. Holding a finger up to me, he signaled me to please wait a little longer.

Yeah, I don't think you want to answer that call. I could tell by his eyes that it was Jean Nora, his scary, loud, beloved girl. Oh, Peter, you better have worked on what we had talked about.

To my disapointment , his ear was blown away. Jean's voice even had my eyes fly open at how tremendous it was. The woman could be the nation's emergency siren.

"Jean, oh, n-no, it's not that, darling...what, of course not...yes, I know, I know, sorry..." He went on as he stood up then paced the room. The more he apologized, the angerier I was becoming. Lord knows that more than 90% of the things he was forced to apologize for weren't even his fault.

Step your foot down! My hands wanted to snatch that phone and give her a piece of my mind, but then imagine how much more trouble he would be if Jean heard the voice of female. Peter would be crucified upside-down and naked as Jean whipped him with steel rods..yeah, Jack's stories were getting to me.

Suddenly a great idea sprung up. I bent over to roam my drawer for a marker and paper. Without much care for my penmanship I wrote what he desperately needed to do. I knew he would know what to say if I reminded him. Swinging the paper around, I finally caught his attention. Tapping the paper, I sealed my lips with an encouraging smile then gave give a thumbs up.


Peter paused to stare at me as Jean continued to yell. Her demands had no end or begining. With the way his eyes hardened, my belly flipped at how strong he appeared suddenly. He was about to put her nonsense to an end. "Darling would you shut your mouth for a second?!"

There was silence at the other end of the phone. I bit my lip back in surprise. Whoa.

Quickly he took the moment to give it to her raw. "Must you always find a way to try and make a scene for all of our families to hear?! Sweetheart, I love you, I do. Every single little skriek you give when you're too overcome with emotions. Lord, how I even love your crazy way of going through life as such a powerful, beautiful woman, but damn it woman, you need to stop hovering above my carcass!", that was beautiful.

His face had flushed itself into the deepest red as he waited for her reply. Her voice must had been down to a respectable tone since I couldn't hear her answer, but she must had said something. Peter's eyes lit up, and for the firhst time I saw a bit of his older brothers in his smirk. Blasted Wallis charm.

It didn't stop there, the boy had enough power to sweetly hang up then lift me up from my bed.

"Put me down! I am not going anywhere!"

"Then tell me why you have distanced yourself from everyone?"

Hissing didn't work as I plainly said that it wasn't his business. He kept eyeing me. Seriously, he learns to use his damn voice that now he suddenly has become a man. I tucked in my chin as he sunk his gaze into the pit of my damaged heart.

With pleading eyes, he muttered, "It was Dale...he did something."

Don't say his name, I don't want to hear it. His grip loosened enough for me to escape his arms. Crossing my own, I stood away from him. Peter asked over and over again till the words floated up my throat like bubbles. Great, here it comes. I brace myself as I let it all go.

Peter stood there. Just stood there as his brows slowly crossed each other with every word I spoke. At the end, I felt a lot better telling someone about how I had been feeling. My eyes weren't soaked as before, but they still watered enough to shed a tear or two.

"I promise, Lania, I won't say a word of it." Peter walked up and hugged me. "Not a word, but you have to come out. My brothers, and I have missed you."

I wipe my eyes on his shirt. Well, personally I have missed all three, too. Now that I have vented out to Peter, i felt strong enough to go see the others. Everything I had told Peter was like having him hold half the weight for me, it helped and he was glad to be there for me.

"All right, I'll go out...but you better keep your mouth shut, Peter," I elbowed him. It has been a while since I had heard his laugh, too. There was something about being with the Wallis Men that always made me feel better. Hopefully the other two wouldn't be upset I had gone MIA

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