Part One

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"How's the old man doing?" Felicia asked as she cradled Lulu in her arms. Lulu on the other hand was popping her mother's blouse open. For a seven month old, she had quite the grip.

"Please, wear a bra more often." I chuckled.

"Does it gross you out, huh, huh?" She jiggles her breast, then after I shut my eyes she went on, "really, how is Old Wally West?"

I had moved in with her about a year ago, then I had to move back in with my mother to help with my two youngest sisters since their father was always a no-show.

Trying to lift one of my boxes, I sighed as the CDs slid right off the top making a mess on the floor. I'll end up making this day impossible. Why do I even own CDs still?

"Kurt Wallis, Felicia, Kurt Wallis, remember."

She put a hand up as an apology, then rolled her eyes. Smiling, I sat down on a stack of blankets.

"Well, how is MR.WALLIS doing? He has been the only man you've ever really had any type of relationship with, but lately your mood has been off." Her face twisted.

"That gives you more reason to remember his name." I muttered, and she laughed. Crossing my arms I relaxed while I gave her a smile. "He's gotten seriously ill. His letters are less, and less, you know. He's trying to fill me in on the things he won't be able to later. I feel rushed, imagine him. But, you know, I guess it was coming sooner or later...was just kind of hoping it'd never happen. Ever."

Felicia bend over, and Lulu began patting my head like a drum. "Ta-ta-ta-ta!"

"Lani, you are so weird. I'm glad he found you."


"You are awesome, really, and ever since he came along, you've started making friends, and being a little more open to everyone."

"Ha, ha, did you just say something nice about him?" I faced Lulu.

"Hey, I mean, it's better than all these losers around here. They just want the usual bang-bang-chicka-wang-wang." Her nose pointed up. I laughed, mainly because Hank stood with a sour face in the doorway holding the last of my boxes.

"Oh, gee, thanks sweet pea, love-ya too." Hank gave the most horrible pout, and made his way past the mess. "Wow, you guys haven't moved anything into the room!"

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa-daaaaaa-daaaaa-," Lulu flapped her arms towards him.

"When is she gunna start saying mama?" I asked covering my mouth from laughing at my sister's grim eyes.

"All kids have their favorite parent." Hank kissed Felicia, and wrapped his free hand around her small belly. "Let's hope the next one likes you."

"Ha-ha-HA! Funny." She kissed him back, and punched him lightly on the chest. They were a great pair, and even though I didn't exactly want what my sister had, I had to admit it was nice. Problems were here and there, but they managed. I knew how marriage was; Kurt never failed to remind me of its up's and down's.

"Ooookay, can we please get all this into my room before you both begin making out on the sofa all over again?" I stood up, and clapped my hands. Lulu did the same and they quickly snapped out of it.

"W-we weren't starting anything, just a few kisses." Hank smiled nervously as Felicia turned red.

"Wasn't that what led up to Lulu? A kiss on the couch?"

Felicia quickly took a pillow, and threw it. Ducking, I laughed, and snickered at how red she got.

"Okay! We get it. Let's get this over with, Lania!"

"Thank you, Lili." I squeaked up, and she rolled her eyes.

After hustling about for an hour, we managed to get almost everything into my old room before Hank had to drive Felicia, and Lulu away for a checkup.

"Have fun living with mom again, sucker!" Felicia waved goodbye, then blew a kiss.

"You bitch." I smiled.

Getting the last bit of my room done, I faced my desk and saw the last box. My snail mail box, somehow it ended being last. Like a snail. Ha, ha, someone laugh at this.

"I got too close, huh."

Never did I once see him in person, but his letters made it all real. Made him seem like a book was reading itself to me. I knew he was going to be a memory soon. No more letters. No more you.

"Lani, can you take me to the mall?" Mary popped in, tumbling behind her; Joan, and all out of breath.

"No, no, let's go to the park! Mom said it was up to you." Joan jumped up, and down while pushing Mary to the side.

"Joan! Move, I was here first!"

I felt bad that they rarely got to go out. With my mother working all the time, they end almost every day at home; bored with no one to pay them any attention. My own job was keeping me on my toes, though I did ask for vacation early.

"Hmm, I am off, so how about we just go to the mall first, and tomorrow to the park?" Joan gave me a look, and I added. "Mary did ask first."

"She's older than me! She can run faster!"

"Age doesn't mean I'm faster!"

"Well you are bigger!"

"You're just slow!"

"I have books." I whispered.

"No!" They both begged.

Shooing them away to change, I closed the door. The shoe box was still open.

I closed that too.

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