Part 30

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Did you know how long it took me to even sit on the bed with Peter? A whole thrity minutes of just staring into nothing while he became red and even more sweaty; he had more problems than I did, I'm sure. If I barely talk to the opposite sex (unless in an arguement), and Peter has barely a voice at all...then we were bound to many awkward silences.

"Argh! That man." I rage all on my own, and worry little about the fact that I hadn't left my room since arriving last night from Peter's. All my sisters, and my mother knew this little fit had to be because of Mathew. The Great Mr. Wallis...pah!

Quickly I bite my lip. Have I told Felicia about the others? I try and remember. No, no, she only knows about Mathew, and Peter...oh, she's probably laughing at me right now! I swing my arms to the ceiling and mentally cast a spell to silence her taunting in the future. Falling back on my bed, I let the cushions devour my body, then I clutch my phone till it shakes.

I want to put it away, because HE is going to call. Oh, yes he is, and he's going to make my day a living hell, and all the small progress I've made with him will go down the drain...along with both our blood. I can hear the drums of war again. I groan aloud, then rattle my phone till my mother's voice slithers its way through the cracks of the door. Sweetly she says, "Lani, honey, rise and shine."

With the phone to my chest, eyes snapped wide, and my lips puckered, I freeze. Maybe she'll go away.

"Lania, wake up." She sings a little louder.

Hoping she gets the hint, I stay silent. That's when out of nowhere she hisses on the other side of the door, causing me to sit up straight.


"Which one?" I muttered as I rest my head on my hand.

"What was that?" My mother asked before trying to open the door.

Was it wrong to pout? Because I did, and I wanted to throw a childish fit to my mother.

Mommy, he's mean, and rude, and can make me feel weird sometimes! He makes me want to cry, and smile, but then CRY again all over, wah! Mommy, I don't want to go play with him! No one wants to play with him!

Sighing, I bow my head. He didn't bother to call, but why should I even use that to argue with him? Personaly, I know I can hold a grudge to the point where even I forget what had upset me to begin with, but with Mathew, it's as if he enjoys to fire me up!

Just like a zombie, I get up, hunching over, and make my way to the door. Passing the mirror, I catch a glance at that sad, pathetic, saggy tummy noodle looking back at me. Without warning, I stood up right, and faced the mirror. I forgot I had slept with the same clothes from last night. They weren't my best, but definitely still showed some sort of womanly attractiveness I was surprised to possess.

I feel as if I should look a certain way for him. Why? I ask myself before grabbing my loose hair. Two minutes into staring at my own reflection, something snapped in me, and I groaned. Argh, is it because I feel the need to look good for that asshole?!

My mother heard me stumble around, then asked if I was okay. After another minute she kept whispering if I was finally getting pretty for him, which only made me stop and stick my tongue out in disgust. Do you not have any faith in my honor, mother?

Opening the door, she fell on me due to putting all her weight on my door.

"Lania, you look-" She paused and eyed me as if I were a swamp creature. Yes, I did change, but not into something considered attractive. No, it was an oversized, gray sweater from my old chubby high school years, along with regular black leggings, and tenni shoes.

"You're just wearing...uhm this for right now, right?" She asked, trying to smile.

"Nope, this is the fabulous outfit of the day, mom," I answer as cheery as she did earlier. Before she could push me back in my room, I dodged her, ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth, then made my way down the stairs. Thoughts about whether Mathew would think I was cute or not kept crossing my mind.

This was considered normal, right? Any girl about to be in front of a semi-attractive male would have these thoughts, even if this one was a complete jerk at times. With Dale...I suppose I did want him to always see me in my best, but with other men -somehow I didn't care about my appearence. So why was my need to be thought of as appealing by Dale, now adding Mathew to it?!

A slight urge to go back to my room and change, or even apply eye liner came to mind, but my pride didn't bother listening, or pulling the brakes. I made my way to the living room, then was swooped up by Mathew's long arms.

"Wa-ah! Hey, put me down!" I held on to him for life. God, he was tall, and it felt as if I were miles from the damn floor.

"And how are you feeling this morning, my love?" He asked.

"How am I feeling?! Are you going to pretend you and I weren't just angry at one another yesterday for-" I stopped. What the hell did he say...what the *%#@ did he say?!

"M-my love?"

He cocked a brow and smiled, "Yes?"

"That was a question! I wasn't calling you that."

"Today's lesson will be a verbal one. Your favorite form of expression, no?" He held me tighter, then leaned in as I sunk my neck into my body. "That mouth of yours is going to learn how to be a bit sweeter to your boyfriend." Of course he meant himself.

"Boyfriends." I corrected with eyes wide open. He was clearly invading my space, which had me still as if I had been stunned.

Annoyed, he looked dead at me saying, "the other two don't exist when you are with me. Do you think this lesson as too difficult for you...sweetheart."

Was today's lesson just calling each other sweet things? Because even he is having trouble looking at me while saying junk like that.

Gulping down, I nodded. My anger had melted, and now I felt challenged. "Fine...uh, shu-sha...sugar bear?"


Forgive me!!! I had a trip to Indiana, then became sick with the flu. I would have written on my death bed, but my hands were constantly on my nose, mouth, or head. It wasn't pretty.

I'll update another chapter soon. Yes, these aren't as long as most stories here, but I personally see this as a short love story.....but whose love story is it, hmm? Lania between which brother? Why not all...bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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