Chapter 18

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We made it back to the room. And everybody was ok and completed their task. While we were out, katey fried up some frozen chicken. Amelia was asleep and everybody else was pretty quiet. For some reason there was an awkwardness in the room. Like something wasnt right. I shot josh a look telling him to say something.
"So, thank you katey for making this" she shook her head as if she was coming out of a trance.
"Oh! You're welcome dear" she smiled nervously and went back to eating.
"Thanks to everybody else for following along with the plan. Helps a lot. Soon we can get out of here" josh said reassuring everybody as if thats why they were nervous. Cameron stood up and went to the bathroom. Katey watched and whispered to him. He shook his head and closed the door. She looked around to see if we were watching. I put my head down and kept eating.
***Later on in the night***
Everybody was settled down in there spots. Mike and his family went back to their room to sleep for the night. Amelia had been a little grumpy after her nap, so I was trying to sing her a lullaby before I was actualy able to go to bed. She fell asleep at around 10:30. Which was normal. I yawned and headed off to bed where josh was still up.
"Why arent you sleeping?" I asked sitting next to him.
"Wanna talk to you about something" I motioned him to continue.
"They were acting funny today"
"I know, its probably awkward to sit at a table with people you barely know."
"Still. I heard what katey said to cameron, she whispered;
"wash it. Dont peel the scab"
"Ew" I said wondering what she was talking about.
"I know, if that boy has some spreadable rash I dont want him around amelia or us"
"Ok. Well. We can figure it out in the morning. Ill talk to katey tomorrow" I said we kissed goodnight and I rolled over. My brain was running like a washer, wondering what had happened.

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