Chapter 1

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(Read discription to understand whats going on please and thanks ;)
The power went out, along with wi-fi, so I couldnt make any calls or at least check the news. Whatever was going on was big, there was so much noise outside, im suprised that amelia didnt wake up. I got some candles to light, I stayed in amelias room, and lit the candles. I checked my phone which now had service. I checked the news first thing. The headlines where big and bold. Some kind of sickness was out, and people were going crazy outside. I was scolling through getting a sense of panic. I picked amelia and put her in her carrier. I wanted to be ready incase anything happened. She whined a little, which was no biggie because she fell right back asleep. I looked around for a knife, anything to defend us incase one of those sick things came in. It was so loud outside! It was noise I wasnt able to understand, just a mix of weird noises. That and i was to nervous to look outside. Poor amelia was so innocent. She had no clue. These people were taking lifes and we were lucky enough to have things to defend ourselves, and a couple rooms with locked doors and no windows. I figure we would sleep on amelias floor tonight, so that was the plan.

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