Chapter 4

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"Heard anything from jackie?"
"No..." Just as josh answered...his phone rang. He picked it up.
"Hello? Jackie...babe where are you? Are you ok?" He started to drive slower. He put it on speaker.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"...who is this?" It was a mans voice on the other line.
"Im tom, uh, who is this lady to you?"
"What do you mean...what does she look like? W-where are-"
"Whoa buddy calm down. Me and my girlfriend were driving and we came across this car in the middle of the road. The lady, she's, shes laying dead in the middle of the road, we seen her phone was in her pocket and I'd thought I'd call to, let ya know man."
"Oh my god, Jackies dead?!"
"She has, almost like a hole in her neck, and her eyes are, oh my god, oh my-" and the line cut out. He looked out the window, wiping either sweat or tears from his face. He began to drive again, but he drove without making eye contact or saying a word.
"I cant belive it, one of those things got her."
"Josh, I'm sorry."
"At least I have my daughter here, and you"
"Josh pull over, pull over" I said. He acted confused and pulled to the side of the road.
"What?" an ambulance stopped right on the side of the car.
"DRIVE YOU GUYS DRIVE. IF YOU HAVE KIDS GO NOW! THERES LOTS OF THEM. GO!" They flew off with that. I looked in the rear view mirror seeing at least 10 of the things running in the road.
"JOSH DRIVE!" I yelled, he was almost caught up to te ambulance within a few seconds of me saying that. I look over to see amelia sound asleep. How can she sleep with all of this sound? I just want to see her eyes glow. This was all a sick movie, a nightmare, a stupid story. This felt so fake.

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