Chapter 3

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"I know your probably not happy about spending time with me" josh said
"Of course im not! We got divorced because you found somebody else, only 4 months after amelia was born. Thats just plain sad josh."
"You know that things werent working out."
"I did, but we could have fixed things. I hate having my daughter having to see you only on some weekends."
"Because you have my daughter, I will always love you. And because, as you know, we did love eachother so-"
"Just shut up josh. We dont need to worry about this now"
"You're right." I look back to see amelia staring out the window. Her eyes had an orange to them. Since she was looking at the orange sky.
"What sweetie?"
"Where aww we gowin?"
"I have to ask daddy." josh turned around as if amelia really understood what he was going to say.
"I think we are going to head up north. Maybe the--" I look at him so he wont say anything to scare Amelia
"So the storm wont get us."
"So we are staying at the cabin?"
"I guess, I dont know anywhere else."
"Me neither. I'm going to check the news incase theres an update." I pull out my phone and check. Nothing changed.
"Thats what I thought. I guess some of the things attacked the broadcasters. Nothing has changed.
"Shoot. What are we going to do? What if something changes and we cant tell where they are?"
"I dont know, but, I just want to keep you guys safe." Most of my family lived halfway across the world, as far as I know, the things aren't near australia. Which is where everybody in my family lives.
Everything around us was weird. It was unsettling. The roads were empty. But there was so much noise outside. You hadn't seen one of these things with your eyes yet. But, their discription matched the things in the walking dead. What where they called? Oh yea zombies. I doubt thats what they are but, you can never be sure.

I Survivedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن