Chapter 2

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I woke up, in the middle of the night. Amelia rolled out of her carrier, and was halfway under the bed. I unlocked the door to see if the power was back on. And the tv was blaring. It was crazy. The news was on just like it was before, but, the only thing I saw was the desk and two empty chairs. Blood was smeared all over the desk. I walked closer to the tv seeing that one of the sick things must've gotten into the place where they broadcast. The cameras were still rolling, the camera men probably took off in panic. I cant believe what im seeing right now. This feels like a nightmare. When in your nightmare you think its real. I shake my head. And try to wake myself up. Nothing changed. This must be real. The blood was so sickning to see. It was smeared everywhere. The microphones were laying on the desk, drowned in blood. Looking into the corner of the screen, there was a high heel shoe On the side of the desk. Peering closer, it still had a foot in it. I backed up getting a distant view instead. It was shaking. The only thing moving on the screen. There was a loud horn outside. It sounded as if it was right outside the door.
"DANNY! DANNY OPEN UP..." I went to the door. Looking out the door window. There was fire everywhere. The sky was a dark orangeish blue, if that was even a color. Cars everywhere on the road. Parked and the doors where open. It was josh. Amelias dad. My ex husband.
"PLEASE, JUST HURRY" his face was dripping with sweat. I unlocked the door and let him in. I locked it right after.
"What is going on? Why are you here?" He was pacing around the house,
"Wheres amelia?"
"In her room sleeping" he barged into the room. And I followed.
"What?! Why are you here?"
"Jackie. She-she was coming home from work and shes not back." Jackie was joshs new wife.
"I think one of-those-things got her, whatever it was. I cant contact her anywhere."
"Im sure she's fine"
"Yea I know your just saying that, I wanted to make sure you can handle this. We need to get out of here. Grab some nesecities, we need to leave."
"They said to stay in-"
"I dont care what they said. Grab amelia, some candles, canned food, ill get the gun"
"The gun? Since when is there a gun in my house?" He ran downstairs. Amelia was awake. Just laying there, her green eyes so admirable.
"Hi meel!" I gave amelia her nickname meel the day she was born. She stared at me. Unable to say not much except.
"Mamornin mommy"
"Goodmorning baby..were gonna take a ride with daddy ok?" She just yawned and rubed her eyes. I grabbed her winter coat even though was summer, diapers, everything she would need for at least a week. And dropped everything off in the living room. Josh picked up meel and hugged her tightly.
"Always wondered where you got those eyes" he said. Josh started putting all the things in a duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder. The outdoors was so scary now. The woods were darker and more mysteroius now more than ever. Ambulances, police cars, S.W.A.T team vans. Helicopters in the sky. It was so loud out. Amelias eyes were huge. I put her in joshs car strapping her in tight. Josh helped me in and started the car.
"Where are we going?"
"Anywhere but here..."

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