Chapter 8

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We woke up the next morning to it being darker than ever. Even with lights on, for some reason the world was becoming dark. Amelia was in her bed just laying there, waiting for me to get up.
"Its dawk in hea"
"I know the sun just doesnt want to come out yet."
"Why not?"
"Theres bad people outside ok? So we cant go by any windows or doors ok hun? Dont ever go by windows or the doors, even if mommy is there"
"Ok" she crawled up into bed with me, I probably freaked her out. Her eyes were beginning to get even more color in them. I know I talk about it all the time, but her eyes are a color of green thats so rare. I love them. I have no idea where she got them, but whenever shes curoius or excited they turn to a whole nother shade of green. Its just amazing. Josh woke up a couple minutes after us. We sat at the kitchen table eating cereal for breakfast, when we heard growling, ya know how when you fart and it sounds wet? It was like a wet growl. Whatever it was had something in its mouth. Josh grabbed the handgun and looked outside.
"Oh god!" He said.
"Meel stay here" I said getting up to look. There was a guy in camoflauge laying dead on the ground. He had a shot gun hanging out of a bakcpack, it looked like it had lots of supplies in it. One of those things was feasting on the guys face. I gagged looking at it.
"We have to get that gun and the supplies..."
"No! The smell of blood will attract more!"
"If I can get it fast, none will notice..."
"Josh no its for our safety..."
"I would rather have better supplies and lots of bullets. Thats our safety"
"If you do wait until its gone."
"Listen danny, I undertsand, but we need to be survivors. We need to take chances and go for what we can get. If that thing gets done, more are gonna come Id rather take on 1 of them than 20..."
"We have a three year old is about survival, but taking chances can be to risky..."
"We need it..."
"Whatever josh bring the gun and go. Be careful..."

I SurvivedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя