Bonus Chapter: Hostage

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Rise slowly regained consciousness when she looked around she was in a cave,
Rise: Where am I?
She didn't like this place, who brought her here and why?
Rise tries to walk out of the cave until a snow leopard gets in front of her as Rise stumbles backwards.
???: where do you think you're going?
Rise: Ok I'm not going to leave. Just don't kill me.
Tai Lung: Oh I'm not going to kill you. I just want to ask you some questions.
"Questions? Like what?" Rise asked.
Tai Lung: Where is the Dragon Warrior?
Rise: The Dragon... Warrior?
"Lets try this again." Tai Lung said before he gets a hold of Rise's throat.
Tai Lung: Where is the Dragon Warrior?
Rise: I... I don't know what you're talking about or what that is, I'm not from here!
Rise was telling the truth that she wasn't from here. So he released his grip from Rise's throat with the latter coughing to regain her breathing.
Tai Lung: so you don't know what that is.
Rise: N-no I don't. I just got here.
Tai Lung: So then, who are you?
Rise: R-Rise Kujikawa. A-and who might you be?
Tai Ling: I go by Tai Lung.
Rise: um... ok, So what's your story?
"I was Shifu's best student until Master Oogway wouldn't accept me because he saw darkness in me, so I laid waste to the Valley of Peace, I needed the Dragon Scroll to obtain its limitless power, until I was stopped by Master Oogway, and sent to prison, today I escaped and now I'm about to get what I've should have gotten years ago" Tai lung explained.
Rise: but why do you want it anyway? What power can it give you don't already have?
Tai Ling ignored her question
Rise: well if you're going after this Dragon Scroll. I wont stop you. but you have to promise me not to kill any of my friends.
Tai Lung: Your friends?
Rise: yes. Like me they're not from here.
Just then Rise realized something if she arrived here, then her friends might be here in this world too. Just as Tai Lung was about to leave, she stopped him
Rise: Wait. Can you at least take me with you? It's possible that my friends will be with them. You can even use me as a hostage.
Rise does have a point, And it's possible that her friends might show up to save her. And he wanted to know what her friends look like.
Tai Lung: Fine. We'll head out tonight.
He heads outside waiting for the right to strike. This wasn't good, Rise had to warn her friends, and when Tai Lung was outside, she summoned her Persona, Himiko to contact her friends and warn them what was about to happen.

 This wasn't good, Rise had to warn her friends, and when Tai Lung was outside, she summoned her Persona, Himiko to contact her friends and warn them what was about to happen

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