Chapter 6: Dragon Warriors chosen.

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After the whole "firework incident," Po started to wake up
"What's going on..?" Po said as he slowly woke.
Soon, Yu, Yosuke, and Chie started to regain consciousness as well.
Yosuke: Po-Chan, Don't even think about doing that again. Narukami, Satonaka, you ok?
Chie: Yeah we're fine. Wait, where's the artifact!?
Yu found the artifact as he picked it up. Luckily It didn't break.
"Thank goodness It's still intact," Yu said as he sighed in relief.
When Yu looked up he saw an old tortoise pointing at him.
Yosuke: Hey Narukami, Why is that guy pointing at you?
Yu: Don't know.
Po: Oh sorry I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was.
Yosuke instantly facepalmed himself.
Tigress: Master are you pointing at me?
Oogway: Them.
Po tried moving out of the way but to no avail, the finger followed him.
Oogway: You two.
Yu: What?
Yosuke: Wait wait wait Hold on!
Oogway then lifts Po's arm with his staff and Yu with the other arm.
Oogway: The universe has brought us 2 dragon warriors
Yosuke and Chie: What!?
Furious Five and Yukiko: What!?
Ping: What!?
Shifu was about to snag the mallet when the crowd cheered for the two dragon warriors
Shifu: Wait stop who told you to-?
The geese walked past Shifu As Po and Yu were hoisted up in a palanquin by them.
Shifu: Master, wait! That flabby Panda and that outsider can't possibly be the answer to... our problem! You were about to point at Tigress then that thing and that stranger fell in front of her! It was an accident!
Oogway: There are no Accidents.
When the palanquin cracked, Yosuke and Chie jumped back in terror while Yu just blinked.
The furious Five and Yukiko then came from behind as the Five bowed,  Yukiko didn't know what to do luckily Monkey was there to guide her as she bowed as well.
Tigress: Forgive us master we have failed you.
Shifu: No if the Panda and that outsider don't quit by morning, then I have failed you.
Chie then looked back and immediately saw Yukiko.
Chie: Hey It's Yukiko! HEY!!! YUKIKO!!!
"Hey, You're right! Amagi over here!" Yosuke called out,
Yukiko looked over and saw her friends waving over to her as Shifu began to notice.
Shifu: Are these your friends Amagi?
Yukiko: Yes, will it be alright if I join them?
Shifu kept his promise so he gave her the go-ahead to see her friends.
Shifu: You may go.
"Thank you Shifu-san," Yukiko said as she bowed and hurried off to see her friends.
Yukiko: Chie I'm so glad you're safe! wait Hanamura-kun and Narukami-Kun?
Chie: Yukiko we were so worried!
"You ok?" Yu asked as he got off the palanquin.
Yukiko: yeah I'm fine.
Yosuke: where the heck were you this whole time!?
"Well, I was at the Jade Palace until Shifu-San found me. I also met the Furious Five at the training hall." Yukiko explained.
Chie: Shifu-San? Wait are you talking about that red panda there?
Yukiko: yes and the Furious Five treated me as an equal, well Tigress does have doubts about me.
Chie: she didn't hurt you did she?
Yukiko: No need to worry Chie, she didn't hurt me.
Yukiko: so is this a friend of yours?
Chie: Oh yeah Yukiko this is Po-Chan. Narukami-Kun and Hanamura met him yesterday.
Po: Hey Yukiko,
Yukiko: Pleasure to meet you Po-Chan.
Yosuke: so I don't get it, why would that tortoise guy choose you as the Dragon... Whatever it's called?
"Not sure. But I think it might be connected to this somehow." Yu replied as he took out the artifact

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