Chapter 4: Saving the day

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Po was serving the noodles to the Customers while Yu, Yosuke and Chie were helping
Po was struggling to serve the customers, Luckily Yu was there to help him with the food,
"So Narukami-kun about that item you found on the ground-"
Before Chie could finish her sentence Yosuke instantly covered Chie's mouth
Yosuke: We cant talk about that here! We don't want the customers to think we're suspicious!
*muffled* ok i won't" Chie said before Yosuke removed his hand from Chie's mouth
Chie: but wait, We still don't know where Yukiko is! Have you two seen her or not?
Yu: Sorry we haven't, you sure Amagi is even here?
Chie: I just sort of know I think.
Yu: You said Amagi was gone when you found yourself here right?
Chie: Yeah. But after i got Dizzy I felt like I was falling. I swear I heard her scream, she must be here.
Yu: I believe you.
Po: Careful that soup is... sharp.
Chie: So... is he always like this?
Yosuke: How should we know, Narukami and I just met him yesterday.
Yu was serving the plates to the customers when he saw a couple of wolf bandits taking a little bunny with them as hostage.
Chie: Narukami-kun what is it?
Yu's mind: It's those guys from earlier!
Yu hands the plates he was carrying to Po before he runs after the bandits, he was not going to let them harm the bunny girl
Po: Yu where are you going!?
Yu didn't respond as he rushes over to the scene
"Narukami wait up!" Yosuke said before he and Chie ran after him.

Yu arrived at the back alley where the Bandits are keeping the little bunny girl hostage.
Yu: Let her go right now!
The 3 bandits looked behind them and were instantly shocked.
Bandit 1: Y-you're! it can't be..! The two outsiders from before!?
Bandit 2: You- you think we're scared of you?!
Chie: You know these guys?
Yosuke: These were the guys that tried to steal the artifact Narukami has.
Bandit 1: If you would be so kind if you hand over that artifact you have?
Bandit 2: What about the brat?
Bandit 1: Deal with her later, that artifact comes first.
Yu: Sorry but that's not gonna happen! Yosuke, Chie, We can't let them take this!
Yosuke: You said it, Stand back Satonaka, Narukami and I would- Hey!
Before Yosuke could finish he was pushed aside by Chie who started warming up
Chie: Ok ready to go just need to do my stretches!
Yosuke: Um Hello! Are you listening to me?!
Yu: Yosuke think you can get the family to safety?
Yosuke: Right! Narukami, Satonaka, Be careful!
"Who do you think you're talking to?" Chie said as she smirked.
Yu: Just leave it to us!
Both Yu and Chie held up their respective floating cards.
Yu/Chie: PERSONA!!
Both students crush their cards as they summon out their Personas
One of them had black hair with a yellow jumpsuit wielding a dual-bladed Naginata,
This was Tomoe, Chie's Persona.

Yu/Chie: PERSONA!!Both students crush their cards as they summon out their PersonasOne of them had black hair with a yellow jumpsuit wielding a dual-bladed Naginata,This was Tomoe, Chie's Persona

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Bandit 1: Let's Get em boys!
The bandits and the 3 Yasogami high-school students attack each other.
Yosuke runs over to the wolf who was near the little bunny and kicks the wolf bandit in the face knocking him out.
Yosuke: Are you ok?
The bunny girl nods her head.
Yosuke: Don't Worry Narukami and Satonaka are going to take down those bad guys.
Chie Kung fu kicks one of the bandits in the gut. Then Tomoe is summoned and whacks the first bandit in the head with her naginata.
Yu: Zio!
Izanagi fires a bolt of electricity zapping the bandit he was fighting.
After the three students took care of the bandits, a couple of Rhino guards ran over to where the crime scene was,
Rhino guard: What's going on?
Yosuke: these guys were trying to steal something from Narukami. And they held this child hostage!
"Thank you for your cooperation in capturing these bandits. We'll take it from here." The Rhino guard said as he took the bandits to somewhere else.
After the guards take the Bandits elsewhere, Yu confronted the bunny girl.
Yu: Hey are you alright?
Bunny child: Yes, Thank you for saving.
Bunny mother: What do you think you're doing to my child?
Yosuke: Woah! what did we do?
Bunny child: no mommy these 3 saved me.
The bunny mother looked at the 3 students of Yasogami high, seems like they could be trusted, they did save her child after all.
Bunny mother: Thank you.
Chie: we were happy to help.
Yu smiles as he nods before the family left.
Soon Po finally caught up with the three outsiders
Po: There you guys are!
Chie: Po-Chan what's going on!?
Po: Sorry no time
Without an explanation, Po grabs Yu while Yosuke and Chie follow them. Just where was Po taking them?

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