Matt Casey - Family BBQ

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A/N: it's BBQ season here and i could smell my neighbours having one so I had the inspiration to write this!
Enjoy! <3

"Mommy, daddy! Wake up, it's barbecue day," shouted Matt and Y/N's 6 year old daughter, Ava, jumping on her parents' bed.
Y/N and Matt both stirred, tangled in each others arms; Matt peered at the clock on the bedside table, "8:30am, not too bad," he mumbled to his wife who mumbled back incoherently. He sat up in bed and grabbed Ava to sit her in his lap.
"Are you excited to see everyone Avey?" He asked his daughter.
"Yah daddy! Can't wait to see uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella and Maddie and uncle Hermann, Aunt Cindy," she went on listing everyone who was coming to the Caseys' barbecue. Maddie, Kelly and Stella's daughter, was Ava's best friend and since they were coming earlier to help set up, she was even more excited.

By the time Ava had finished babbling about the barbecue, her mother was fully awake, sitting up with her husband and daughter. "Ava, is Lucas awake?" Y/N asked her daughter.
"I don't know mommy, shall I go check?" she responded.
"If you want to Avey, you can bring him here if he is, if not don't wake him up, daddy and I will later," Y/N said.
Ava slid off her parents' bed to check on her 2 year old brother, leaving Matt and Y/N to have a few minutes of alone time.
"Good morning my love," yawned Matt, wrapping an arm around Y/N's shoulder.
"Good morning babe," she responded, looking up at him and placing a kiss on his lips.
"Good sleep?"
"Always with you here," she chuckled.
At that point, Ava had returned, carrying her little brother like he was an oversized doll making her parents chuckle. Matt got up to help his daughter by grabbing his son and tossing him up in the air.
"Hi baby, are you excited to see your aunts and uncles today?" He asked.
Lucas babbled in response as Ava climbed into her parents' bed to have some cuddles with her mum.

The family chilled in bed for a bit before having breakfast and preparing for the barbecue.
At 11am, Maddie, Kelly and a 6-month pregnant Stella arrived as Kelly was making his famous beef brisket and was also grilling with Matt. Maddie and Ava went straight into the playroom.
"Maddie don't make a mess, be good," shouted Stella as the girls ran off, then greeted her best friend Y/N, who was holding a very clingy Lucas. Matt and Kelly went outside and cracked open a beer whilst prepping the barbecue whilst Y/N, Stella and Lucas made their way to the dining area in the kitchen.

"So girl, how have you been?"
"It's been alright, baby girl has been kicking me loads and paperwork at the firehouse can be really boring so safe to say, I'm ready to get this baby out," Stella replied. "How are you doing though? How's work going?"
"Work's good thank you, we're dealing with a massive new client so it's been late nights and weekends lately, over the last week or so but luckily working from home however, Matt's worried," Y/N explained.
"Oh how come? You've pulled late nights and weekends before," Stella said.
"Well I kinda have something to tell you... I'm pregnant," whispered Y/N.
Stella squealed in excitement at the news, "Oh my gosh girl since when?!"
"We found out a couple weeks ago but haven't told anyone yet, we're not gonna mention it today either and the kids don't know so please don't tell Maddie," said Y/N, adjusting Lucas in her arms - he was extra clingy today...
"Oh Y/N I'm so happy for you and Matt! We're gonna have so many 51 babies soon!"
"Aww thank you, we're really excited too," Y/N replied wrapping her best friend in a one armed hug.
"Shall we set up for the barbecue?" Asked Stella.
"Yeah, I think we should, everyone will get here in an hour or so. Just let me see if the girls wouldn't mind watching Lucas so I have two hands to do this," chuckled Y/N.

She took Lucas to the playroom, "Girls do you mind watching Lucas? We're gonna set up before everyone comes," said Y/N.
Maddie and Ava didn't mind so she left Lucas with the girls and her and Stella set up. They got the crockery and cutlery out, prepared the salad and displayed the desserts. Matt and Kelly by this point had prepped all the meat and gone through a case of beers.
"Wow look at you two drinking for four," remarked Y/N.
"Why aren't you drinking then?" Asked Kelly, sitting down next to Stella, placing a hand on her bump.
"You didn't tell him?" Asked Y/N to Matt, a hint of shock in her voice.
"I thought we could tell them together," Matt said, rounding the table, placing both hands on his wife's shoulders.
"Oh... I already told Stella, sorry babe..."
Matt chuckled, placing a kiss on top of Y/N's head, "It's okay baby, not like I can get angry you since well... you're pregnant and all," he said directing the last part of his sentence to Kelly.
He gasped in response, "Really?"
"Yeah!" Replied Matt.
"Awh i'm so happy for you guys," he responded.
"Thanks Kelly, we haven't told the kids yet and we're not planning on telling anyone else today so please don't say anything," said Y/N.
"Of course not," Kelly replied.

The four adults talked for a bit before their firehouse family started to arrive. The whole Hermann clan, Mouch and Trudy, Chief, Donna and Terence, the Cruz's, Ritter, Gallo, Violet, Carver, Capp and Tony. The barbecue was in full swing. The kids were entertained between playing in the pool and the playroom and all the adults socialised, talking about work, life, kids, everything really. They all thoroughly enjoyed being together not waiting for the alarms to ring. Soon enough, Casey and Severide had finished grilling the meat and the brisket was ready so Y/N went in to get the kids to tell them the food was ready.
"Kids," she started, knocking on the open door of the playroom, "food's all ready now, so do yall want to go outside and grab some?"
"Yes please mommy, I'm hungry," said Ava, before running off, hand in hand with her partner in crime, Maddie.
Y/N grabbed Lucas and took him out, handing him to her husband like a parcel, "You can have him," she sassed. "Mama's gotta eat," she then whispered, making Matt smirk, leaving a kiss on her cheek.

Y/N went back over to Stella and Violet, "So Y/N, how come you're not drinking today?" Asked Violet.
Y/N hesitated, not wanting to spill the news of the baby yet, "I've gotta log into work early tomorrow morning, a huge new client so I can't drink much," she lied, she was in fact off for a few days.
"Ahh okay," replied Violet.

The firehouse family talked for hours and hours, Maddie, Ava, Lucas, Terrence, Javi, Otis and Kenny all crashed in the playroom by the time everyone started leaving. Kelly and Stella of course stayed later, the men carrying the kids upstairs to sleep on a bed whilst the ladies chilled with their non alcoholic sparkling champagne and some reality tv. Their husbands came down, Y/N snuggled into Matt whilst Stella did the same with Kelly.
"Do you guys wanna stay tonight? Maddie and Ava are in the same bed so we have the spare room," asked Matt.
"Yeah if you're sure. I'm sure the kids'll love it when they wake up tomorrow," mumbled Stella, leaning her head up to face Kelly.
They chatted for another hour or so before Stella and Y/N were both too tired to stay awake so they went up to bed.

Y/N and Matt were cuddled together, one of Matt's hands tracing soft circles on Y/N's flat stomach, his other hand running through her hair, Y/N's arms wrapped around Matt, her head on his bare chest.
"That was a beautiful barbecue today babe, well done," complimented Y/N.
"Aw thanks baby, couldn't have done it without your organising because let's be real, you were never gonna cook were you...?"
Y/N chuckled in response, "Nope haha, especially with my meat aversion right now."
"Hmm yes, hopefully this baby allows you to get some food into you this time round, not like Lucas and Avey," Matt said placing a kiss on Y/N's forehead.
"Mmm hope so," she mumbled, her eyes slowly closing as she let the sleep take over.

A/N: I think the idea was better than the execution but still hope you enjoyed! <3

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