Matt Casey - Bad Period

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A/N: Hi! Hope you enjoyed my first piece and hope you like this one too!!
As always, feedback is appreciated and please send requests too!

TW: emetophobia, mentions sick and vomiting but not in too much detail.

Y/N and Matt had been together for a while now, 3 years to be exact. They met when Y/N started on Engine 51 just over 4 years ago and here they were today: living together, engaged and still working together.

Y/N had been feeling a little nauseous during shift, so Matt asked if she wanted to lie down in his office whilst he finished his paperwork. They both knew why she wasn't feeling too good and this wasn't a rare occurrence, however Y/N was usually lucky enough to escape the start of her period whilst on shift.

It seemed as if Y/N was able to fall asleep as Matt could hear her light snores coming from the bed; he finished his paperwork and decided to go and lie with her. She subconsciously shifted closer towards Matt who wrapped his arms around her, leaving light kisses in her hair.

They were both abruptly interrupted when the bells went off calling for all units to a scene.
Y/N groaned as she had to get up; the nausea hadn't subsided and now her cramps had started. She groggily got out of bed and headed towards the app floor with Matt.

The scene was big but they got the fire out and saved everyone swiftly. Y/N had only started feeling worse and everyone around her could tell - she was so pale and leant against the window of Engine both there and back.

Luckily when they got back to the firehouse, third shift were coming in so Matt and Y/N could head home. They walked out the firehouse hand in hand, Y/N's head on Matt's shoulder. She fell asleep on the way home despite the journey only being 20 minutes but Matt didn't mind; he knew how bad she was feeling and even when they got home, he didn't wake her up straight away - he wanted to see if she would wake up by herself when he pulled up. He waited another 10 minutes after pulling up to see if Y/N would wake up or not but she didn't so he gently shook her awake and one look at her face, he could tell she felt 10x worse than she did at the firehouse.

"Come on sweetie, once we get in, I'll get you some painkillers and a water bottle and we can lie in bed," said Matt as Y/N looked at him with tears in her eyes.
He helped her in and got her dressed into some comfy sweats and his t-shirt and pulled back the covers for Y/N to lie in bed.

"Do you want to watch TV or sleep?" Asked Matt.
"Honestly, I just want this pain and nausea to go away," Y/N replied, on the verge of tears.
"Let me go and get you your hot water bottle and pain killers but you need to eat something when you take them."
Y/N groaned, she was scared she'd be sick if she ate something but the pain was so bad she'd risk it for a bit of relief.
"Can you get me the painkillers but only something small and dry to eat please babe? Something like crackers."
"Of course my love, I'll be back, you try and sleep if you can and hopefully after a long nap you'll start feeling better."

Y/N couldn't sleep when Matt went to go and get her things but she ate the cracker, took the painkillers and lay down, trying to go to sleep. Matt crawled into bed with her and held the water bottle in place for her, hoping it would bring her some comfort. She got some relief from the water bottle but she still couldn't sleep.

Y/N got the sudden urge to throw up, but couldn't make it to the bathroom in time so she threw up all over the bed.
"Matt I'm so sorry!" She cried, embarrassed at what had just happened. She sniffled whilst getting out of bed and trying to strip the bed.
"Hey, love no don't do that, it's fine I promise! Let me do this for you please," said Matt once he saw what his fiancée was trying to do.
"No honestly Matt I'm disgusting I'll do it."
Matt walked over to her and took her hands in his: "No, you're not disgusting, you're my beautiful fiancée; you didn't mean for this to happen. Look, go and run yourself a nice hot bath and I'll take care of this. I promise. What do you think this is for?" He asked, circling his thumb over her engagement ring.
She smiled at his comment and wrapped her arms around him.
"Thank you babe. I love you... so much."

Y/N's nausea was relieved after throwing up but she still had horrendous cramps. She ran her bath, got in and when Matt had finished changing the sheets and washing the old ones, he climbed in with Y/N, massaging her stomach to help ease her cramps, leaving light kisses on her shoulder.
He was relieved to feel her relax against him.

"Mm that feels nice babe," she commented.
"You just try to relax my love," he replied.

Eventually, the water started to get cold so they both got dressed in their comfy clothes, got back into bed and spent the rest of the day cuddling.

Luckily, Y/N's cramps and nausea were gone by the end of the day but her and Matt both enjoyed their day spent together.

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