Jay Halstead - You're okay Jay

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A/N: Requested by @hello1234577564 - 'Erin notices Jay breaking down in the break room, and settles him down to sleep'.
Can't wait for new One Chicago omg! Who is everyone's favourite OC ship? I can't choose between Dawsey, Stellaride, Burzek, Manstead and Upstead! Comment your faves in the comment box!
Enjoy!! <3

TW: murder, mentions of kidnapping and rape, panic attacks/anxiety

It had been a really tough case for intelligence. Jay's best friend from high school, Sierra, had gone missing and it took two weeks to find her... well what was left of her. It was a really tough day when they found her but they still had to work the case and find the men who kidnapped and raped his Jay's friend. Jay didn't let himself digest the news, the sight he saw. He couldn't until the case had been wrapped; but of course everyone in the unit, including Trudy, were worried about him. Waiting for him to snap. Over the last few weeks, Jay had been the first to arrive to the district and the last to leave; he was barely getting any sleep. They were so close to solving this case and Jay couldn't wait to get some justice for his best friend.

It was a few days later and they had finally found out who was behind the attack. Jay was livid, he couldn't believe it. It was Sierra's boyfriend, Ethan. Of course, Jay knew he HAD to be the one to arrest that son of a bitch and surprisingly, Voight gave him the satisfaction of doing so, knowing what Jay was capable of and what this criminal deserved. But Jay restrained himself. He didn't do what they all thought. Instead he threw Sierra's scumbag boyfriend and murderer into the interrogation room and questioned him, hoping to get some sort of closure on what happened.

Jay was disgusted to have found out that Ethan had lured her into his car, making her think they were going on a trip and when they stopped at a shabby house, Ethan claiming he needed to grab something from a friend, one of his buddies grabbed Sierra and drugged her. They then left her in the house but not after raping her and torturing her, tying her to the bed. Jay couldn't handle it. He beat Ethan to the core and sent him to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Once the unit had caught Ethan's acquaintances, the case was closed. Jay was in the break room, trying to accept the fact his best friend was gone. It was the first time he had thought about it properly since they found her body. He was prone to breakdowns and panic attacks because of the army but this one caught him by surprise. He grabbed the counter by the sink and he couldn't breathe. He then felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Jay," Erin whispered.
"Can't... breathe..." he unsteadily said.
"It's okay, you're gonna be fine Jay, just breathe. In... and out...," Erin soothed him, rubbing his shoulder.
Jay did as she advised, "I can't believe she's gone Erin. She was my best friend," cried Jay, still gripping the surface with his hands looking down.
"I know Jay. I'm so sorry," Erin calmingly said, hugging her partner. "Here, come and lay down on the couch and try and sleep. We've only got paperwork to do and I'm sure Voight won't mind. She led him over to the couch and he lay down, still crying.
"Thank you Erin," he whispered.
"It's fine Jay. You just sleep please. You're going to be okay. It'll get better I promise, I know it's shitty right now but I promise you it will!"
"I know, thank you," he said squeezing her hand. And with that, Jay successfully managed to fall asleep, even if it was just a few hours.

A/N: found it quite tough to write this, but I hope it's not too bad haha x

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