Jay Halstead - Sharing is Caring

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A/N: Hey! My writers block has been super bad lately so I haven't really had many ideas or inspiration... hope you enjoy this though! <3

It was early on a Sunday when Y/N and her husband Jay were woken up by their almost 2 year old son crying from his room. The couple groaned and Jay glanced at the neon red numbers on the clock on his bedside table whilst Y/N rolled over, determined to go back to sleep.
"7 am and he's already up. I'll get him," he said, beginning to sit up in bed. 
"Thanks baby, love you," mumbled a half asleep Y/N, her arm attempting to find Jay to give him a little pat.
Jay smiled when he saw this, grabbed her hand and left a small kiss there before making his way to his son's room.

Jay opened the door to his son, Liam's room and found him stood up with his pacifier, holding on to the railing of his crib bawling his eyes out.
"Hi my baby boy," Jay said, picking him up, also turning off the baby monitor to not disturb his wife who had been at work the previous day. Jay bounced his son around for a minute until he stopped crying and proceeded to change his diaper.
"Eww that's a stinky one Li-Li you smelly little baby," he commented. Liam just babbled and giggled in response.
"Shall we go get you something to eat?" Jay asked, placing the pacifier back in his mouth, the 20 month old still in his arms. Again, the baby babbled in response. "Dada," he said as he and Jay descended the stairs.
"Yes baby?"
"Dada, mama," he responded.
"Mamas sleeping at the moment baby, why don't we eat breakfast and make breakfast for mama in bed?"
"MAMA!" Liam shouted. Jay just laughed as his son was a huge mama's boy.

He decided to use the tactic of distraction so Liam wouldn't make anymore noise. He sat him in his high chair and put Bluey on the TV in the kitchen whilst he prepped some food for him and his son.
Jay made some pancakes with blueberries for Liam and started to fry up some bacon and eggs for him and Y/N. He fed Liam first, who was a good eater for an almost 2 year old before getting him distracted with Bluey again. Jay quickly ate his bacon, eggs and pancakes, scrolling on his phone as he did so.

He was almost finished when Liam spoke up again.
"Mama! Want mama now," he said, which alerted Jay who swallowed the last of his food before placing his plate in the sink and lifting his son out of his high chair.
"Okay baby, we can go see mama now, shall we give her some breakfast too?" Asked Jay grabbing Liam in one arm and Y/N's breakfast tray in another.
"Yay mama," Liam replied, pacifier falling out of his mouth, which Jay used his teeth to place back in his mouth.
He slowly lowered Liam before knocking and opening the door to his and Y/N's bedroom. Liam went running in the room, "Mama! Mama!" He excitedly shouted before trying to jump on the bed next to his mum. Jay chuckled, placing the breakfast tray down and helping get his son on the bed. "Mama yay!"
Y/N opened her eyes and rolled over, her beautiful baby's bright green eyes being the first sight she saw.
"Good morning my baby boy," she said, sitting up in bed, grabbing her son for a cuddle. "Did you have a good sleep?" She asked as he snuggled into her chest. "Is someone still tired?" She asked again, leaving a small kiss on her son's head.

Jay then cleared his throat feeling a little left out.
"Good morning to you too babe," she said, beckoning him over for a kiss. Their lips weren't even touching for a second before a sweaty little hand whacked Jay's chin and he quickly pulled away.
"Ow!" He called out.
Y/N gasped and chuckled, "Was that you baby?!"
"My mama! Mine! Not daddy's! Mine!" The baby shouted with a scowl on his face, clinging to his mum's top tighter than before.
"Of course I'm your mama baby!" She said, dropping another kiss on to his brown locks.
"Baby, you want to show mama what we made for her?" Asked Jay.
"My mama!" He replied, burying his head further into his mum's top.
"I guess not..." Jay said. "Anyways, we made you breakfast!" He replied, placing the tray next to her on the bed.
"Aww thank you so much guys," she gushed, her son falling asleep again, his tight grip loosening slightly.
"Has he fallen asleep?" Asked Jay, his eyes gesturing to Liam.
Y/N stroked his hair and rubbed his back, "I think he has babe," she smiled. "Will you please take him whilst I eat? I'm sure he'll wake up in a minute."
"Of course," Jay replied, tactically moving the sleeping baby from his wife's arms and into his own.
Y/N tucked into her breakfast whilst Jay sat to next her cradling their son in his arms.
"Was he okay this morning when he was crying?"
"Yeah babe, he was fine, just filled his diaper and wanted you. I managed to keep him distracted with Bluey whilst I made him breakfast and then I fed him and he was watching Bluey again. Then he wanted to come and see you so we came up before he screamed the house down," Jay said.
Y/N chuckled in response, "He's such a mama's boy!"
"And he doesn't like sharing her either, not even with his own dada!" Said Jay sounding offended (as a joke).
"Aww babe, don't feel so left out," Y/N said cupping his face.

She removed the breakfast tray off her lap and took her son back for a cuddle. Jay used this opportunity to lean over and get his morning kiss properly but the sound must have awoken Liam because Jay felt his clumpy little hand push him away again!
"My mama, dada! Not yours!" He shouted again, the tears beginning to stream down his face.
"I know baby, I know, I'm only your mama," said Y/N, smirking at Jay. Jay couldn't help but smile to himself. His son loved his mum so much that he was jealous of his own dad kissing his wife.
"Baby boy," began Y/N. Liam looked up at her, big green eyes filled with tears. "Dada and I know you love mama but dada loves mama too," she continued, passing the baby over to his dad.
"Look baby, mama loves you so much," he said, as Y/N placed a kiss on his head. "But she's also allowed to love dada too," he continued as he pulled Y/N in for a kiss. Liam did scowl at this but he was trying as hard has he could to comprehend what his parent were trying to tell him.
"Sharing is caring baby, you have to share dada with mama and you have to share mama with dada too," explained Jay.
"My mama, my dada," he replied.
"We will always be mama and dada to you baby, we both love you so much," said Y/N, taking her son back from her husband, smothering his face in kisses as he let out some very adorable giggles.

Jay then grabbed the TV remote and turned Bluey on for Liam so the family could spend some quality time in bed on a Sunday morning. Y/N was snuggled into Jay, his arm wrapped around her whilst Liam stayed sat in Y/N's lap fixated on the cartoon characters on the TV.
"Yknow, maybe we could teach him to share by giving him another sibling," suggested Jay, raising an eyebrow looking down at his wife.
"Jay Halstead... you are a wonder aren't you," Y/N responded, leaning up to kiss her husband.
"Maybe we should always have this dumb show on whenever we want to kiss," joked Jay since Liam did not intervene in his parents' kiss.
Y/N chuckled and Jay planted a kiss on the top of her head.

The family of three enjoyed their chilled Sunday together and soon enough, Liam learned to share both his parents with each other and his baby sister who arrived just under a year later.

A/N: Icl I really enjoyed writing this! Hope you guys enjoyed reading it! <3

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