Kelly Severide - Christmas Day (part 2)

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A/N: Hey! Hope you enjoy part 2 of the previous imagine. This is where Kelly and Y/N are gonna tell their kids their Christmas wish came true! Enjoy <3

5am in the Severide household:
"MOMMY! DADDY! IT'S CHRISTMAS," screamed an over excited 5 year old Leslie Severide as her and her brother Sebby jumped up and down on their parents' bed.
Kelly and Y/N stirred and groaned. Kelly opened his eyes to check his phone and look at the time.
"You cheeky monkeys, it's 5 o'clock in the morning! Mommy and I are tired," mumbled a very tired Kelly.
At this point, Y/N was now wide awake and sat up in bed. Sebby came and climbed into her lap whilst Leslie continued jumping on the bed. Kelly had fallen back to sleep so Y/N shook him awake.
"Babe wake up, let's go down," she said to her husband.
He just rolled over and mumbled something.
Y/N sighed and spoke to her children.
"Okay babies, give mommy and daddy just 30 minutes to get ready and then we can open presents! How does that sound?"
"YAYYY," both kids cheered.
"You two go and brush your teeth and we'll be ready," said Y/N and off the kids went to get ready.

Y/N turned over to face Kelly.
"Kelly, wake up! It's Christmas! The kids are excited come on!!!" She whispered, ruffling the stubble on his face.
Kelly turned and faced Y/N, "Mmm," he mumbled and then he opened his eyes. "Merry Christmas, baby. Let's go get ready!"
"Merry Christmas, babe," responded Y/N, smiling at her husband.
They both smiled at each other and Kelly moved his hand under the covers and touched Y/N's bump.
"I can't wait to tell them," said Y/N getting out of bed.
"Me too," replied Kelly.
They both made the bed, freshened up and made their way downstairs with their kids.
Leslie and Sebby were amazed to see the underneath of the tree full of presents for them! They also saw that Santa had eaten his cookies and drank his milk and the carrot for the reindeer was gone. Santa had left them a note which said to open after they have opened all their presents. The two opened their gifts - they had loads! Leslie got some new colouring books, a bike and some LEGO friends to name a few, whilst Sebby got some new toy cars, a scooter, some building blocks and more!
Kelly and Y/N also exchanged gifts. They decided to go low key for each other's gifts and not spend too much on each other but Kelly bought Y/N some beautiful flowers and a matching necklace and bracelet set. The necklace had 3 charms on - one with Leslie's name, another with Sebby's and the third was left blank. Y/N bought Kelly some aftershave and a framed family photo.
It was finally time for the kids to open Santa's note! Since neither could read well, they handed the note to Y/N and Kelly to read.
Y/N read the letter:
'Dear Leslie and Sebby,
Santa here. I hope you have had a great Christmas morning and you got all your presents. I know that you both asked for a new baby brother or sister. I can't bring you that exactly but I did talk to your mommy and daddy and I think they have something exciting to tell you. I hope it's good news!
Merry Christmas!
Love Santa'
When Y/N read that letter, Leslie then asked "What is the exciting thing mommy?"
"You and Sebby have one more present each," said Kelly, handing his kids 2 presents.
They opened them and saw 2 t-shirts: 'big sister' and 'big brother'
Leslie read what her and her brother's t-shirts said with a little difficulty. Her and Sebby were still a little confused. They looked at their parents.
"What do these mean?" Asked Leslie.
"Mommy and I are trying to tell you that... mommy has a baby in her belly and next year, you're going to get your new baby brother or sister just like you asked Santa for!" Said Kelly, Y/N had tears in her eyes.
Sebby and Leslie both gasped!
"Is there really a baby in your tummy mommy?" Asked Leslie.
"Yes babies, look," said Y/N, happy tears rolling down her face as she lifted her shirt, showing her kids the bulge in her stomach.
"Look babies," said Kelly, touching her bump. "Come and touch, here!"
The kids walked over and wearily placed their hands on Y/N's stomach.
"Hi baby," said Sebby, touching the bump.
"Hello baby, I'm your big sister Leslie!"
Y/N and Kelly shared a look and a smile as he wrapped an arm around her. Kelly then kissed Y/N on the lips.
"I'm so excited to meet you baby! Thank you mommy and daddy, best Christmas ever," said Leslie to her parents.
"Yay baby!" Said Sebby.
"We're so glad you're both so excited," said Y/N.
The family took some pictures, mainly of the kids and Y/N's bump and they managed to get a family photo of all 4 of them and Y/N's little bump in their matching pyjamas for their social media announcement. They were telling the firehouse family later that day when they all came round for Christmas lunch.
It was still only 7:30am so Kelly made them breakfast whilst Y/N rested for a little on the sofa - she was tired after the 5am wake up - and the kids were entertained with their new Christmas presents.

After breakfast, they chilled for a bit, Kelly and Y/N having a snuggle on the couch and the kids playing with their toys, going up to Y/N's bump every once in a while to touch or poke it. They soon started getting ready for lunch. Kelly bathed the kids whilst Y/N got their outfits ready. They both dressed them and sent them to entertain themselves whilst Y/N and Kelly got ready. They hadn't told the firehouse about baby number 3 but they wanted to see who would notice the bump first so Y/N wore a fairly tight red Christmas dress which hugged her bump very nicely and Kelly wore a white button down shirt with black pants.

Everyone from the firehouse was bringing a dish and Kelly and Y/N just had to prepare dessert so they still had leftover Santa cookies baked by the kids and Y/N made a few cakes the day before and Kelly bought some donuts too. They were all ready for when everyone came.

Soon enough, it was 12:30 and in came the firehouse, bearing gifts for the kids and food! Kelly and the kids greeted everyone at the door whilst Y/N was in the dining room. Matt and Gabby were the first to greet Y/N and after one look, Gabby squealed "Y/N are you pregnant?!" she asked hugging Y/N.
"Yes we are! We were waiting to see who noticed haha," she responded.
"Well congratulations," said Matt bringing Y/N into a hug.
Everyone soon piled into the Severide household. Some noticed Y/N's bump and others didn't until Leslie and Sebby told uncle Joe that there was a baby in mommy's tummy and Joe being Joe couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Soon enough, the congratulations poured in from everyone and they had a joyful meal together. Firehouse 51 really was a family.

A/N: the ending is really bad and I have been writing this all day. Hope you enjoyed it anyways! <3

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