Jay Halstead - Baby pt5

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A/N: Happy One Chicago Wednesday to all my US readers!! this is my favourite series to write haha! Hope you enjoy xx

Y/N was just a few days shy of 12 weeks pregnant and it was now Christmas Day. Her and Jay were about to tell Y/N's parents about the baby. They made her parents a card with the sonogram photo which said 'Can't wait to meet you grandma and grandpa!' and gave them a baby onesie which said 'I love my grandparents'. Y/N's mum cried when she found out and her dad was super emotional which made Y/N even more emotional than her hormones were already making her.

Later that day, they told the district as they were invited to Trudy and Mouch's for Christmas dinner. They gave everyone a holiday card with the sonogram on the front saying 'Baby Halstead coming July 2024' and inside, each member of the district had a little badge which said (for Kim, Adam, Kevin, Antonio and Hailey) 'best aunt/uncle' and Voight, Trudy and Mouch got ones saying 'best grandma/grandpa' as they have all been just like parents for Jay. Everyone was overjoyed for the Halsteads and couldn't wait to meet the new addition in a few months.

*4 month time jump*
After Christmas, Y/N's pregnancy flew by so fast! She was almost 7 months now and her due date was nearing! She had grown a little bump, which was just Jay's favourite sight to see every day! He was would chat to the bump every morning before work and every night whilst he and Y/N were cuddled up in bed.
He also loved feeling their little Peanut move and kick too. It wasn't often but those moments were perfect!
They decided not to find out the gender of the baby but they were working on the nursery. They went for a neutral brown teddy bear theme. It was nowhere near finished, but it was already Y/N's favourite room in the house. On nights where Jay was working late, he'd often come home to find his wife in the nursery sorting clothes or books out. He found it adorable.

However, Y/N did have some very odd cravings at this point of her pregnancy. It was almost 1am and Y/N was wide awake and hungry. She had been debating waking Jay up for the last 20 minutes as she knew he had a long day but she was really hungry!
"Jay!" She whisper shouted, gently nudging his shoulder; she immediately regretted her decision when he stirred and responded with a "Hmm baby?"
"Erm, Peanut is kinda hungry..." she said with a guilty expression as Jay slowly sat up in bed. He knew what he was in for as soon as the test came back positive so he couldn't complain.
"What can I make you baby?"
"Not me Jay! Peanut!"
"Sorry honey, what can I make for peanut...?" He asked, placing a hand on his wife's swollen belly.
"I think she wants—"
"She?" Jay cut her off. "How do you know our baby is a girl...?"
"Just instinct," defended Y/N. "Peanut wants a peanut butter, pickle and jelly sandwich!"
Jay's face turned at the thought and Y/N noticed, which made her - well her hormones - emotional and she felt like Jay was judging her.
"You're judging me aren't you Jay?" She said, her voice laced with sadness.
"No of course not baby, I promise! I'll go and make Peanut the sandwich. I love you both," he said and kissed Y/N's forehead. He went down to make the sandwich and Y/N was in love when she tasted it! Safe to say, weird craving... satisfied!

A month later, the district hosted Y/N and Jay a baby shower and invited everyone from 51 and med too! It was a lovely spring afternoon with lots of socialising and congratulations passed on to Jay and Y/N. Everyone at the district had bought baby Halstead a little Chicago PD onesie and a dog cop teddy bear! They also bought Y/N a voucher for a spa day before baby arrives at a place which does special prenatal massages - Y/N was really looking forward to that! Everyone else had bought diapers, baby skincare products and lots of keepsakes for the baby to use over the years. Y/N and Jay were so grateful for their first responder family.

*2 weeks after the baby shower*
"Okay baby, 3... 2... 1... and... open," said Jay excitedly, removing his hands from Y/N's eyes.
Y/N stood, admiring the finished masterpiece in awe, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"Jay..." she started "it's perfect," she cried, as Jay embraced her in a hug, careful not to squash his wife's very large baby bump.
Over the last month and a bit, Jay had completed Peanut's nursery but kept it a surprise for Y/N and he, Kevin and Adam had just finished it today whilst Y/N was getting her massage. Y/N waddled around the room looking at all the small details she loved and when she made her way over to the crib, she saw her favourite baby clothes set for Peanut's arrival, which made her even more emotional! She couldn't believe that in just over 4 weeks, she and Jay would be parents to their little baby!

Y/N was 8 months along now and the end of pregnancy had gotten a little tougher. For starters, her bump had really popped and she was struggling to find clothes that fit, especially in the summer heat! Her insomnia was also back on some nights so she would be tossing and turning for hours but luckily she was now on maternity leave so she could sleep at home during the day if she needed to. But now, every day tasks were becoming increasingly difficult, and the rising temperatures in Chicago didn't help either. What else didn't help were Braxton Hicks contractions too; they didn't come too often but they were super painful when they did. Jay sometimes found himself supporting Y/N as she leaned on the bed frame or table until the contraction passed. Despite all these negatives, she was still so grateful that her and Jay were going to welcome their little miracle baby soon!

A/N: Thought I'd keep you all on edge before publishing the last chapter! Hope you're enjoying this mini series! I certainly am enjoying writing it!

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