Jay Halstead - Baby (Last Part!)

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A/N: I haven't watched new OC yet but I've seen all the spoilers...!! Gwen you need to watch your back. From what I've seen, that episode is just a big FAT insult to Jay and Hailey and we do not stand for that! But enjoy the last part of this mini series! I've loved it 🥰

"40 weeks and 5 days... wow that's a tough one Y/N! Well done," said Will.
"Honestly, I'm so done with this pregnancy," huffed Y/N, who was currently too hot in the blistering Chicago heat. "Pregnancies and Summers don't mix I can tell you that!" She added, rubbing her overgrown stomach.
"You're doing an amazing job though baby, Peanut just doesn't want to leave!" said Jay in an attempt to comfort his fed up wife.
"We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and if there are no signs of baby, I'll probably be induced. God forbid it comes to that, I don't know how I'll survive!"
Jay and Will chuckled to each other.
"You two better be glad it's not you, you'd never survive. Now if you'll excuse me, I must use the bathroom," Y/N said.
Jay helped pull his wife up and watched as she slowly waddled to the bathroom.

It was 2 days later, 41 weeks and still no sign of baby but Y/N was feeling worse. Her feet were even more swollen and she was out of breath just walking down the stairs. She was chilling (as best as she could) in the shade outside when Jay came to join her. Voight let him go on Paternity leave early since he knew of the hard time Y/N was going through.
"You okay baby?" Jay asked, sitting next to his wife's feet and placing them on his lap.
"Surviving... ish," she responded before she felt the most amazing burst of pleasure in her feet. Jay was using his magic hands to massage his wife's swollen feet and ankles, which really helped her relax because within minutes, she was fast asleep.

Jay was feeling quite guilty, his wife was miserable and he knew he needed to help speed up Peanut's arrival. When they went to the doctor, they scheduled an induction for Y/N but it wasn't for another week so the doctor gave them some home remedies to try and naturally induce labour. Due to the weather, long walks were off the list but Jay was cooking spicy foods most nights but tonight he wanted to try the final remedy... the one which got the baby in there to start with.
Y/N was rudely interrupted from her nap by the urge to pee so Jay helped her to the bathroom and ran her a bath to help relieve her aching body. Whilst she was in the bath, this was when Jay posed the question.
"Baby, there's one more method we could try to help induce labour..."
"Oh god Jay what is it? I'll literally do anything!"she said, her head leaning on the bath pillow with her eyes shut.
"Well... it's... sex," Jay said with a questionable expression.
Y/N's eyes shot open and she looked at her husband. "Sex?! I can barely walk! How do you expect me to have sex Jay?"
"It's fine baby, it's totally safe! I read the things the doctor gave me!"
"If you say so, just let me have a 30 minute nap after my bath," she requested.
"Anything for you babe."

Well, that seemed to do the trick...
Later that night, Y/N was folding some clothes when felt a gush of water in her pants and she'd never been so relieved in her life.
"Jay!" Y/N shouted to Jay who was in the shower.
"Yeah babe?" he shouted back.
"My water just broke!"
Jay didn't respond but Y/N soon heard clattering and then saw Jay rushing out the bathroom with his towel round his waist.
"Oh my god! We need to go to the hospital," he frantically said.
"Stating the obvious, you don't think I know that babe?"
"Of course of course, let me change and then we'll go!"
"That's fine, I need to change my pants anyway," Y/N said, struggling to get up from the chair she was sat on.

Soon, the couple were headed to the car. Y/N had already had a contraction and it came as she was descending the stairs so that was not fun for her and Jay...
She had another contraction on the 20 minute journey to med, and she squeezed Jay's hand so hard he thought it was broken. Jay carried the hospital bags in one hand and used his other arm to support his wife as they walked into med. Will saw them, took them to a room on the maternity ward and gave Y/N a gown which Jay helped her change into. Now they were waiting for Dr Asher. Y/N was mid way through a contraction when Dr Asher came to see her. She screamed out in pain and squeezed Jay's hand hard until it passed.
"Hello Y/N, glad to see baby Halstead has decided to make their appearance," said Hannah.
"Yeah... I just didn't realise how painful it would be," replied Y/N out of breath.
"I'm just going to check how dilated you are. How far apart are your contractions?"
"They're every 20 minutes or so," said Jay, to Hannah as she was checking Y/N's dilation.
"Well Y/N, I'm afraid you're only 2cm... I can't offer you the epidural yet either, I'm so sorry," Dr Asher said sympathetically.
"How long do you think it'll take?" Asked Y/N.
"Since it's your first, it's hard to tell I'm sorry. But I believe it will take a while, I'm afraid you're both in for a long night," replied Hannah.

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