Jay Halstead - Baby pt4

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A/N: Hey! I'm sorry I haven't really been writing everyone's requests but I'm struggling with writing them so for the mean time, have some of my own ideas!
This could be classed as Baby pt4 (Jay) or its own story.
Also a guilty pleasure of mine is pregnancy H/C's and one shots!! I have really bad baby fever... which explains a lot haha 😂
Enjoy!! xx

TW: Nausea/Vomiting (morning sickness)

Jay and Y/N were pregnant and they were finally having a baby! When they went to the doctor to confirm everything, they found out that Y/N was 4 weeks along and she was due in July - it was currently early December and she was now 10 weeks. Her and Jay were waiting until Christmas to tell everyone. Currently, her pregnancy symptoms were pretty awful - morning sickness, insomnia and food aversions and she could barely keep anything down.

Jay rubbed her back as Y/N hovered over the toilet throwing up the little food she had eaten the previous night. It was 4am and they were both already awake.
Jay passed his wife her cup of water as she leaned back against him, getting some temporary relief from the churning in her stomach. As she took small, slow sips, Jay ran his fingers through her hair; he couldn't help feeling guilty about what Y/N was going through. Y/N finished her water and Jay asked, "Are you ready to go back to bed baby?"
"Just a minute please babe, feeling a little dizzy," she said closing her eyes and leaning back against Jay.
Jay felt extremely worried and his worry only grew when just minutes later, his wife had her head in the toilet again throwing up the water.
"Baby, you can't even keep water down. I think it's time we go to the hospital," Jay spoke up once Y/N stopped throwing up. "Come on, let me help you up."
Jay carefully helped his wife stand; he knew that she knew she needed to go to the hospital. Y/N slowly and weakly walked back to their bedroom, Jay following behind and she put one of Jay's hoodies on whilst Jay got dressed.

Jay helped Y/N down the stairs, worried that she'd trip as she was starting to get dizzy again, and made their way to the car, helping his wife in. Jay drove slowly, one hand in Y/N's almost the whole way, rubbing soothing circles on the back, whilst she rested her head on the head rest and closed her eyes. They soon arrived at med and slowly made their way to the doors of the ED, Y/N snuggled into Jay whilst he helped her walk.

Will was the first to notice his brother and sister in law - he didn't know about the baby yet so they knew he was going to find out.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" He asked his brother, whose wife was barely able to stand straight.
"Erm we sorta have something to tell you," Jay started. "But first, can you please get Y/N on a bed, I think she's going to pass out in a minute," requested.
"Yeah of course guys, come to Treatment 2, the ED is a little quiet for once," said Will as he led them to the nearest Treatment room. They went inside and Jay helped Y/N on to the bed.
"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" Will asked.
"Erm, Y/N's pregnant! We were gonna tell you on Christmas but her morning sickness has been so bad, she can't even keep water down let alone food," Jay explained, holding Y/N's hand.
Will gasped, "Congrats you two! I'm so happy for you," smiled the older Halstead.
"Thanks Will," Y/N weakly said, giving her brother in law a small smile.
"Sorry this morning sickness is kicking your ass though. Are you okay with me administering some anti nausea meds and fluids in an IV and I'll send some tablets to your pharmacy too."
"That would be great, thanks man," responded Jay.

Soon enough, Will administered Y/N's IV and she was catching up on some much needed rest in the hospital bed. Jay was sat, eyes never leaving his wife, stroking her forehead and holding her hand. The IV was nearly done and Will came back in, excitement drawn on his face at the prospect of being an uncle!
"So, when is the baby due?" Will asked softly.
"Around July! We're about 10 weeks now and we can't wait but the last few weeks have been really hard on Y/N with the sickness, insomnia and food aversions. I don't think she's eaten a proper meal in about 3 weeks so I'm hoping this will change it all now," Jay explained to his older brother.
"Well I'm so happy for you and can't wait to be an uncle. And don't worry Jay, these symptoms should pass in time and with the anti nausea meds I've sent to your pharmacy. You guys can leave after this bag finishes too."
"Thank you, I really hope so," Jay sighed.
"I'll come and see you before you leave, but I should get back to my patients."
"Yeah of course man, see you in a bit."

About 10 minutes later, Y/N's IV bag had finished and she was feeling a little better and more energised so her and Jay said goodbye to Will and thanked him, before making their way back to the car. Y/N fell asleep on the way home so Jay carried her inside and put her back into bed. He got in as well and she subconsciously snuggled into him. He hoped this was the end to the sickness and the insomnia (well for a while).

A/N: This is definitely going to be a mini series 😂 I'll post part 5 tomorrow!
Can't wait to watch new OC! I'm in the UK so I will give you thoughts on PD/Fire on Thursday or Friday. I'm sorry!! I don't watch med - I've watched s1-6 but it got so bad after Dr Manning left - I can't watch past 7x1 and believe me I've tried so much!!

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