Antonio Dawson - Drunken Care

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Hey everyone! Long time no post, I am sorry but I went on a mini holiday last week and work is super busy as it's nearing Christmas! Hope you enjoy this <3

TW: nausea/vomiting

Y/N Dawson married her husband Antonio 3 years ago and gave birth to their son a little over 4 months ago. Tonight she was out for the first time in over a year with her girlfriends at Molly's. This meant that Y/N's alcohol tolerance may not be what is used to be all those years ago...

It was nearing 2am and Y/N and her friends were still at the bar in Molly's ordering round after round. Y/N was a much drunker than everyone else and she was stumbling around Molly's like a mad woman. Her girls of course found it amusing but Christopher Herrmann certainly did not. He was hesitant to let Y/N get home alone in a cab so he texted her husband asking if he could come and get her.

Lucky for him, Antonio was expecting this text message so he raced to Molly's with his and Y/N's son in tow to rescue the mother of his child. He texted Herrmann saying he was here but y/s/n was asleep and he didn't want to wake him up, so Otis offered to stay with the baby whilst Antonio attempted to drag his wife back home.

Antonio walked in and saw Herrmann stood with his head in his hands whilst his wife was dancing on top of the bar to the non existent music.
She suddenly spotted the familiar man and stumbled down the tables back on to the floor, making a beeline for him.

"Husband!" She slurred, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Baby..." Antonio grimaced at the smell of his wife's breath. "Time to get you home and to bed."
Y/N gasped. "No! I want more shots! I haven't felt this good in YEARS Antotonio," she shouted and everyone laughed as she mispronounced her husband's name.
"Come on, we're going home," he said, whilst slowly pulling her arm towards the exit. "Thanks for telling me man, I appreciate it," he said to Herrmann.
"No problem, hope she's okay in the morning," he responded.

Antonio dragged a very unwilling and stumbling Y/N out of Molly's whilst she was shouting bye to all her less drunk friends. He eventually got her into the car and relieved Otis from babysitting duties. There was a bucket between Y/N's legs in the car as Antonio remembered the wild, pre-child nights. A very chatty Y/N, with the help of her husband, stumbled out of the car. Antonio gripped his sleeping son with one hand and his wife's arm in the other.

"When did you get a baby?" Asked a very puzzled Y/N when they reached the front door.
"Y/N... that's OUR baby," he chuckled in response.
"We have a BABY?! Since when?!" She questioned.
"I'm sure you'll remember in the morning. Now wait here and I'll be back," Antonio said to his wife so he could quickly put y/s/n back in his cot. Y/N was sat in the living room when he came back.

"Dear husband, where is our bathroom? I think I'm going to be sick..."
Antonio hurried his wife into the bathroom just in time and he held her hair back whilst she got rid of all the alcohol in her system. Within minutes, she was passed out on the bathroom floor on her husband's feet.
Antonio chuckled a little and snapped a few pictures before cleaning up his beloved wife's face, changing her into something more appropriate for bed and carrying her to the bedroom, gently placing her under the covers eventually falling asleep himself.

The next morning, Y/N was awoken by a pounding head and too much light coming into the bedroom.
She groaned loudly causing her husband to come in carrying their baby boy.
"Good morning suns—" started Antonio before he was interrupted.
Y/N raised her arm to signal her husband to stop talking. Antonio couldn't help but giggle at his hungover wife.
"God... what happened?!" She mumbled.
"Let's see... firstly—"
"Shhh please," Y/N begged, rubbing her temples with her fingers.
"Fine, sorry," whispered Antonio. "It was girls night and you were at Molly's. Then Herrmann called me as you were let's just say on your 10th shot of vodka. I had to rush to Molly's with our son to come and rescue you. When we got home, you forgot we had a son, then you threw up and passed out in the bathroom before I cleaned you, re dressed you and carried you into bed."
"Oh god. 5 years ago, 10 vodka shots was nothing!" She groaned, gently lying back down in bed.
"Here," Antonio said handing Y/N their son. "Have some cuddles and I'll bring you a coffee. Hopefully you'll feel better then," offered Antonio.
"Thank you. I love you but can't kiss you until the vomit taste has gone," replied Y/N and Antonio kissed her forehead and stroked y/s/n's head.
Y/N spent the rest of the morning cuddling y/s/n in bed; it didn't help the hangover, but boy did she love her baby.

A/N: kinda weird but quite cute. I had a bit of a drunken night out the other day I was probably inspired by that 😂

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