Christopher Herrmann - Best Dad

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Requested by ssmith_2005611
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A/N: can we pretend that the reader is Herrmann's only daughter? I know in the series he has a daughter already but let's pretend she doesn't exist? 😂
Also I had an idea for this to do 4 separate scenarios that follow on from one another, I hope you like it!

"I can't believe it's over, dad. I— I loved him," cried a 17 year old Y/N Herrmann to her father after walking through the door.
"Aww no honey, what happened?! Come here," replied her father, pointing to the space next to him on the couch.
Y/N made her way over to the couch and her father wrapped his arms around her and held her close whilst she cried in his chest.
"J-Jason. I saw him kissing another girl at school and then I broke up with him!" Y/N said once she'd calmed down a little. "He was my first boyfriend! And we were together for 3 years! I thought he loved me! Why is this happening to me, dad?" She started crying once again.
"Y/N, listen to me," started her father calmly. "You are a Herrmann! What he did to you is unforgivable and you don't deserve this, but forget about him, he doesn't deserve you Y/N Herrmann and I know, your first heart break sucks but this doesn't mean you'll never find your person. You're so young, you have a lot of time to find your person and you will find him, one day," Herrmann said, comforting his daughter. "And this also means, I got you as my little girl for longer!" He said smiling.
This made his daughter chuckle.
"I love you dad," she said, hugging her father.
"I love you too Y/N," he replied hugging her back.

Flash forward 10 years later

"The day is finally here, I can't believe my little girl is finally getting married!" Said a very teary Christopher Herrmann to his daughter Y/N, as she stood in front of him in her glamorous white wedding dress.
"I know dad! I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with Kelly Severide, even if you are going to kick his ass if anything happens to me," chuckled Y/N.
"I am so proud of you and how far you've come. I still remember you crying over your high school boyfriend... what was his name? Jordan?"
"Jason," Y/N corrected.
"Well whatever his name was. But remember what I told you all those years ago? I told you that—"
"I will find my person, one day, and I did in Kelly," interrupted Y/N.
"Right young lady, I think it's time I walk you down that aisle now," said Herrmann looking down at his watch.
"I can't wait dad," smiled his daughter as the two linked their arms and the grand doors opened, revealing the father and daughter to everyone in the hall.

Later on at the wedding reception

Herrmann shed a few tears watching his daughter dance with her new husband, his co worker, Kelly Severide. He felt so proud of the woman she had become but boy was she still his little girl even at the age of 27, and was he the most protective father ever.
It was time for the father daughter dance and Y/N walked up to her father, a huge smile plastered over her face.
"May I have this dance dad?" Smiled Y/N, holding her hand out for her father to take.
"It would be my pleasure Mrs Herrmann-Severide," he replied, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.
The two of them danced together.
Whilst they were dancing, Herrmann said, "You know how proud of you I am right, of the woman you've become and the life you've built yourself."
"Thank you dad, thank you for helping me become the person I am today. I wouldn't be here without you."
"You're still my little girl you know," he replied.
"I always will be dad, even when I've got kids myself," said Y/N.
The two danced in silence for a while until Y/N started "I love you dad."
"I love you too Y/N," he said back. The two hugged and with that, the song ended.

18 months later

"Kelly! Come on we're gonna be late for dinner at my parents' house" shouted Y/N from downstairs.
"I'm coming babe, calm down," he softly spoke, walking down the stairs.
"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to tell them!" Said Y/N.
"I know, I know, I am too!" Replied Kelly, placing a kiss on Y/N's lips.
"Let's go then!" She said excitedly, practically running out the door towards Kelly's Mustang.
Kelly chuckled to himself at his wife's excitement whilst locking the house and making his way to the car.

Soon enough, the couple arrived at Y/N's childhood home. After knocking, they were greeted by a smiling Luke Herrmann.
"Hey Lukey, how you doing?" Asked his older sister, hugging her brother and ruffling his hair.
"I'm good thanks, mom's in the kitchen and dad's in the living room. Hi Kelly!"
"Hey bud," replied Kelly, giving him a high five.
Y/N made her way to the living room, Kelly following behind. They were met by the smiling faces of Y/N's siblings and her father.
The two said their hello's and went to the kitchen to greet Cindy too.

The family of eight were sat around the dinner table, about to tuck into their meal when Y/N stood up, Kelly holding her hand as he knew what was coming.
"Erm guys," she started, taking in a deep breath.
"I... Kelly and I have something to tell you all..." she continued. She was so nervous but Kelly rubbing soothing circles on her hand was helping calm her.
"Bet you she's pregnant," Lee-Henry rudely interrupted.
"Not cool Lee-Henry," scolded Cindy. "Carry on darling."
"Erm well you're right, I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!" Y/N said, tearing up.
Herrmann was in a state of shock. His eldest child was pregnant and he was going to be a grandfather!
"Are you serious?" He asked.
Y/N nodded her head, tears now rolling down her face as Kelly placed a kiss on the side of her head.
"We found out a few weeks ago but wanted to wait a while until we said anything," added Kelly, now stood with his arm around Y/N.
Herrmann stood and wrapped his arms around his daughter.
"My little girl is going to be a mom!" He whispered softly in her ear.
He then went over to Kelly and shook his hand, whilst Cindy went over to Y/N and hugged her and Kelly.
The eight of them celebrated the news and had an enjoyable evening together.

The other Herrmann children were sent upstairs to get ready for bed and Kelly was helping Cindy in the kitchen, leaving Y/N and Herrmann in the living room.
"I'm so happy for you y'know kid," said Herrmann.
"Thank you dad! You're going to be the best grandfather. This baby is going to be so loved by you and mom, and the rest of the Herrmann clan too."
"I'm proud of you, proud of how far you've come... I love you Y/N."
"I love you too dad, you're the best dad anyone could ask for."

A/N: omg after rereading, I love this so much more than I thought I would!
Please leave feedback and more suggestions!
Also this is so long so my apologies!!

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