Jay Halstead - Migraine

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A/N: This was requested by @hello1234577564 where Jay has a migraine but Liam (his and Y/N's son) wants his attention but Y/N is looking after both her boys (and baby Scarlett). This is sort of a follow up from the last chapter...?
I loved the concept, hope you enjoy! <3

Over the last year, Y/N and Jay had welcomed a new addition to their family who was just a few weeks old, baby Scarlett, Liam's baby sister.

Y/N was still on maternity leave with baby Scarlett when she heard the front door open and in walked Jay, sunglasses over his eyes. She had a feeling what was going on with her husband, he was having a migraine. They had been together 10 years and he rarely got them but when he did, they tended to be quite bad, leaving Jay in a terrible state for anywhere between a few hours or a few days.

She was rocking their newborn to sleep when she made her way over to her husband and whispered, "Hey babe, have you got a migraine?"
Jay simply nodded in response, pain written all over his face.
"Aw I'm sorry Jay. Are you gonna come upstairs? I'm gonna put Scarlett down as she's asleep," she continued.
"Yeah I'll come up now. I'll probably get in the shower for a bit," he whispered back.

The three went upstairs, Y/N put Scarlett in her nursery and Jay got in the shower. Liam was still at daycare hence he wasn't home. It had been a good 25 minutes since they went upstairs and Jay was still in the shower. Y/N walked into their bedroom and lightly knocked on the door of the en suite bathroom before slowly opening the door.
"Babe, are you okay? You've been in here almost 30 minutes, is there anything I can do?" Y/N asked Jay, who was stood under the hot water.
Jay looked up at Y/N in the dark bathroom.
"Sorry baby, the water is giving me loads of relief. I'm gonna get out now," he spoke lowly.
"It's okay babe, I've got the bed ready for you too for when you come out," Y/N responded.
"You're the best thank you baby," Jay said.
"I'm gonna leave in a bit to pick up Liam from daycare, want me to take Scarlett with me?"
Jay started to get out the shower, "No it's okay, I'll stay with her." He dried off and wrapped his towel around himself before embracing his wife in a huge hug, closing his eyes as he rested his head on top of hers.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too, you're the best," he replied.
The two broke apart, Y/N got ready to pick Liam up and moved Scarlett to her crib in her and Jay's room whilst Jay got changed and climbed into bed in their dark room - Y/N had closed the blinds and turned off all the lights.

Jay lay in bed, his eyes closed trying to relax when Y/N came in holding Scarlett. "I'm gonna leave now babe, do you want some cuddles?"
"I'll never say no to those," Jay said cracking a small smile, his arms out to take his sleeping newborn from his wife. He then lay down and placed Scarlett on his chest as he rested his eyes again.
"Before I leave, do you want anything? Water, hot water bottle?"
"I'm okay baby, I love you," replied Jay.
"I love you too babe."

Y/N had picked up Liam from daycare and they were on their way home now.
"Li-li, daddy's home already but he's not feeling very well so we need to be quiet when we get home, okay baby?"
The almost 3 year old was thrilled to hear his dad was home, "YAY DADDY HOME," he shouted.
When Y/N became pregnant with Scarlett and since she had been born, Liam became more attached to his dad, not because he was jealous of his sister but because he was spending more one on one time with him when he wasn't in daycare so naturally he grew closer to him.
"Yes baby, daddy's home but remember he's sick and baby sister is sleeping so we have to be quiet," said Y/N.
"Daddy sick?"
"Yeah baby, daddy's not feeling too good," she continued as she pulled up on the drive.

Y/N unbuckled Liam and put him down whilst she unlocked the house allowing Liam to step in first.
"DADDY!" He called out, running upstairs, making Y/N cringe as if everything she just told him went in one ear and out the other... she chased after him but it was too late, he yelled for Jay which woke both him and Scarlett up so now she was crying and Jay's head was throbbing even more.
Y/N made her way into the bedroom and grabbed a crying Scarlett from her husband trying to soothe her back to sleep.
"I'm so sorry about that babe, I tried to tell him to be quiet," Y/N started as Liam tried climbing on to the bed.
"It's okay, I know he's only little so he can't help it," said Jay in response.
"Daddy! You home!" Said Liam again, making Jay wince in pain.
"Yeah baby, I'm home but I'm not feeling too good so are you able to use your quiet voice here?"
"Oh! Sowwy daddy," he whispered.
"It's okay Li-li," he responded.

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