Chapter 60

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I'm back in my office, pretending to work on this file, but my mind's not all in it

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I'm back in my office, pretending to work on this file, but my mind's not all in it. There's this surprise date I'm planning for Addy, and it's got my attention more than these numbers. I check my phone, scrolling through the details—the reservations, the timing, the flowers. It's a lot to juggle, but I want everything to be perfect.

I toggle between my email and the list of things to do for the surprise. It's a delicate balance, making sure Addy doesn’t catch wind of any of this. I've already got a couple of texts from the restaurant confirming our table, and the florist sent a picture of the arrangement. I just hope they don't mess up and call her instead of me.

I glance at the file on my desk, trying to refocus, but my thoughts drift back to the date. It's been a while since we had a proper night out, just the two of us, and I want to make it special. The kind of night that makes all the stress and chaos disappear, if only for a few hours.

My assistant pops in to ask a question, but I just nod and wave him off, my mind elsewhere. I need to make sure everything is set, from the car service to the candles on the table. Addy deserves the best, and I’m determined to give it to her.

Finally, I close the file and sit back, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. I really hope this all comes together. Because if it does, it'll be a night to remember. And if it doesn't, well, I'll figure something out. I always do.

I'm at my desk, but I'm barely working. My mind keeps drifting back to last night, to Addy saying she had something to tell me today. A secret, she called it. Then she fell asleep, leaving me hanging. Now I'm here, tapping my pen against the desk, wondering what it could be.

Did something happen? Is it about work, or her family? Maybe it's something she found out and wanted to discuss. I run through all the possible scenarios, but none of them feel quite right. She's not usually one for dramatic build-ups, so if she said it's a secret, then it's gotta be something big.

The suspense is driving me a little nuts. I consider sending her a text, but I know she'll tell me when she's ready. Pushing her for answers would just spoil whatever she's planning. But man, it's hard not knowing. It's like having a puzzle in front of you with one piece missing, and it's impossible to find.

I sigh, rubbing my temples, trying to refocus on work. But my brain's stuck on this one thing. What could be so important that she had to keep it under wraps? The curiosity is eating away at me, and all I can do is wait.

Whatever it is, I hope it's something good. Something that'll make us laugh or bring us closer. Because I could use some good news right about now. Anything to take my mind off the usual chaos. But until she tells me, I'll just be here, waiting, trying not to let my imagination run wild.

I'm standing by the elevator, ready to head out for lunch, when my phone rings. I glance at the screen and see Addy's name. Instantly, my mood shifts from work-mode to happy-mode. I answer with a bright, "Hey, Blue," not even caring that a couple of employees are nearby.

Addy starts telling me about something funny that happened at work—she's the boss, so she's got stories. "So, this guy in my team got his PowerPoint slides mixed up, and suddenly we're all looking at his vacation photos instead of the quarterly report," she says, laughing. "You should've seen his face when he realized!"

I'm cracking up with her, trying to keep my voice down, but it's hard when she's got me grinning like this. The employees around me are giving me looks, like they're shocked to see this side of me. Yeah, usually I'm all business, but with Addy, it's different. She just has a way of making everything better.

"You gotta show me those slides later," I joke. "I could use a good laugh."

"I'll send them over," she replies, still laughing. "But you owe me a dinner for that."

"Deal," I say, then I switch it up. "Hey, so, are you gonna tell me what the surprise is for tonight, or do I have to keep guessing?"

She pauses, and I can almost hear her smirking through the phone. "Laters, baby," she says, keeping me in suspense, and then she hangs up.

I can't help but shake my head, smiling. She's always got a way of keeping me on my toes. The elevator doors open, and as I step in, the employees are definitely confused by my cheerful mood. But I don't care. Addy’s got something planned, and even if she won't spill the beans, I know it's gonna be good.


I'm just about ready to call it a day, grabbing my jacket and keys, when Liam bursts into my office. The usual laid-back vibe is gone; his face is dead serious. He's out of breath like he's been running, and that never happens.

"Liam? What's up?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat. He's not one to panic, so if he's rushing in like this, something's up.

"Mason escaped," he says, his voice low but intense. I freeze, my jacket halfway on. What did he just say? Escaped? How the hell did that happen?

Liam keeps talking, explaining the whole mess, but my mind is already racing. If Mason's out there, it means danger—serious danger. For Addy. I drop my keys, and they clatter to the floor. Everything about my day just flipped upside down.

"Are you sure?" I ask, my voice a little shakier than I'd like. "How did this happen? Where is he?" Questions tumble out, and I'm not sure which one to focus on.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Liam says, nodding, looking grim. "Nobody knows how he got out, but he's gone."

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