Chapter 55

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After the whole mess with Maya, Asher knew he had to do something to make it up to me

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After the whole mess with Maya, Asher knew he had to do something to make it up to me. So, he prepared dinner, something simple but delicious, and we sat out by the pool, legs swinging in the cool water. The night's breeze brushed past us, carrying the scent of fresh-cut grass and the faint sound of distant traffic. It was a quiet moment, a chance to reset and just be together without any drama.

He sat beside me, not saying much, which was fine by me. It wasn't the time for grand speeches or heartfelt apologies. We just needed to be there, side by side, letting the calm of the night settle around us. Asher splashed a little, creating tiny ripples in the pool, and I kicked my legs to see if I could make a bigger splash.

It was these little things that reminded me why I fell in love with him in the first place. Just being together, enjoying each other's company, without any pressure or expectations. It was simple, and I liked it that way.

With our legs dangling in the pool, I had this sudden mischievous idea. "I'm going to get some chocolate," I said, standing up as if I was headed to the kitchen. Asher grinned and replied, "Okay, but only bring one. We both know what happens when you have too much chocolate."

Instead of walking to the kitchen, I quickly spun around and gave him a playful shove. He had no time to react before he went tumbling into the pool with a loud splash, his eyes wide with surprise. Asher surfaced, shaking his head and laughing, the water dripping from his hair. "Addy, you little sneak!" he shouted, pretending to be mad, but I could tell he was amused.

I grinned down at him from the pool's edge, feeling pretty pleased with myself. "That's what you get for being a goofball," I teased, watching him splash around. It was all in good fun, and the sound of his laughter made it worth the minor risk of retaliation.

As I doubled over with laughter, Asher's hand suddenly grabbed my ankle, and before I knew it, I was being pulled into the pool. The water was a shock, cold and unexpected, and I surfaced with a gasp, my hair dripping down my back.

"Asher!" I exclaimed, splashing him as he smirked triumphantly. "This is my favorite night gown!" I tried to sound indignant, but his mischievous grin was too contagious. I couldn't stay mad, even if my night suit was now completely drenched.He laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Oops," he said, clearly not sorry at all.

Asher's smug grin never faded as he flicked the water from his hair. "Hey, if you say the word, I could get you a million night gowns just like this," he said, his tone playful yet earnest. His eyes sparkled with mischief, but beneath that, I sensed the depth of his affection."Did you forget that I'm a billionaire?" I asked with a smirk, watching the water drip from my hair.

Asher's grin only widened, his eyes softening with affection. "I know you're an independent queen," he said, his gaze turning into those heart eyes that always made my pulse race, "but I still want to spoil you and do things for you." His voice was so genuine that it made me forget about my soaked night suit. I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a rush of warmth despite the cold pool water.

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