Chapter 19

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As I took my first steps down the aisle, my eyes were drawn to the sight of Asher standing at the altar

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As I took my first steps down the aisle, my eyes were drawn to the sight of Asher standing at the altar. Dressed in a sharp tuxedo, he looked absolutely breathtaking. The way the fabric complemented his features, and the way he carried himself with grace, left me in awe. As the vows were exchanged and the ceremony unfolded, the reality began to sink in—I'm married.The warmth of congratulations surrounded me, a blend of family and friends sharing in the joy of the newlyweds.

Asher's dad approached us, a warm smile on his face. "We have a photoshoot scheduled," he informed, his voice carrying the weight of excitement. and we made our way to the designated area.As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow across the horizon, we found ourselves in the midst of a magical sunset photoshoot. Asher helped me walk to the spot by gently lifting my gown's train and I'm grateful he did it.

Asher and I posed for the camera.As the camera clicked away, freezing those fabricated moments in time, Asher's hand firmly pulling me by the waist felt more like a calculated maneuver than a genuine gesture. Placing my hand on his shoulder, we held hands and pressed our foreheads together, creating an illusion of love for the spectators.Our smiles were a facade, concealing the underlying truth that our hearts were far from entwined. Yet, in that moment, I found myself hoping for a semblance of civility in our married life, even if genuine love remained elusive.

The photoshoot wrapped up, and I gently pulled away from Asher, informing him, "I'm going to change my dress." As I made my way to change, Asher's voice, playful and familiar, followed me. "Don't keep me waiting too long, Mrs. Carter," he chimed.I shot him a glare, retorting, "I'll take as much time as I need, Mr. Carter".He winked and chuckled at my childish display, and as I stomped my foot, he simply watched, thoroughly amused, as I walked away.

I rushed over to Lily, pleading, "Help me change the dress, Lily." Lily playfully replied, "Sure thing, bridezilla. Let's get you into that stunning reception dress."
I sarcastically replied, "Oh, joy! I can't wait for the next round of fun with this dress."

My reception gown is a vision of midnight elegance. The deep, enchanting hue of midnight blue envelopes me, and the V-neck delicately frames my neckline.As my figure is embraced by the mermaid silhouette, the gown follows the contours of my body with a graceful allure. The low back plunges with a confident flair, revealing just enough to add a touch of sensuality.Delicate lace accents adorn the edges.

Lily leans in, giving me this mischievous grin. She goes, "You know, the asshole is one lucky guy." We burst out laughing, and I couldn't agree more.I turned to Lily with a playful smirk and said, "Well then, let's go show that lucky guy what he's got." We linked arms and headed towards the dance floor.

I approached Asher, cleared my throat, and waited for his reaction. His eyes met mine, and a sly smile formed on his lips as he extended his hand, ready to join me on the dance floor.Why hasn't he thrown a simple compliment my way? Is he playing hard to get or just being clueless? Asher's just like, "I ain't playing hard to get, okay?" I asked him "Did those words just escape my mouth?" He replied with a yes.

Next thing I know, Asher's got his arm around my waist, and we're dancing like nobody's watching.Asher leans in, whispers in my ear, "Blue, you look freaking amazing tonight. Seriously, like a goddess. You're stunning in every way."I feel my cheeks heating up at his words, and I'm just like, "Stop it, you're making me blush."

Asher smirks and fires back, "Can't help it, Blue. Just stating the truth."I feel my heart race as Asher gently kisses my neck, and he smoothly ends our dance with a dramatic dip leaving me all hot and bothered.

Man, it's hitting me now. Leaving my family behind is no joke. Emotions are all over the place, and I never thought it'd be this tough. But hey, it's a new chapter, right? Gotta embrace it, even if it means a teary-eyed farewell.Hugs and goodbyes hit differently, you know? They're all like, "Take care, Addy," and suddenly I'm feeling a bit like a bird leaving the nest.

Oh, Evan, my little heartbreaker. He's shedding tears like it's the end of the world. Had to promise him tons of video calls and chocolate to calm the storm.Lily, my fierce protector, gives Asher a clear message: "Don't you dare hurt my girl."Asher scowls and retorts to Lily, "She's my girl, and I'll take care of her." The possessive declaration sends a shiver down my spine, leaving me intrigued and slightly flustered.How on earth did this guy manage to make me flustered so many times in a single day?

I smirk at Asher, "Quite the spectacle, huh? Ready for the 'happily ever after' part?" We share a laugh as the car glides away from the venue, leaving the whirlwind of the wedding day behind. I  shoot Asher a playful look, "So, Mr. Carter, where's our grand exit leading us?" Asher smirks, "Well, Mrs.Carter, we're heading to my penthouse. It's time to kick off the honeymoon, don't you think?" The mischief in his eyes matches the playful tone in his voice. I smirk back, "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Asher. We're married, not on a perpetual vacation."His laughter fills the car.

Penthouse, huh? Well, this should be an interesting adventure. I gaze out of the car window, contemplating the unknown that lies ahead.

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