Chapter 39

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Caught up in a phone call with a client, I hastily mistake a woman for Addy due to similar attire. My eyes widen in shock as I notice Addy witnessing the mix-up, her expression a mix of surprise and irritation.

"Hey, Blue, I messed up big time there. That woman, it was just a mix-up, didn't mean to confuse you. I'm really sorry about that," I admit, hoping she understands it was an unintentional mistake.

I watch as Addy chuckles dryly, her scoff cutting through the tension. "Mistake?" she retorts, and without another word, she goes inside, ignoring me. Christian pats my shoulder, wishing me luck, and adds, "Good luck, man. You know my sister; she's stubborn as they come."

Lily and Sophia shrug it off, exchanging glances, and head inside, leaving me to deal with the aftermath of my awkward mistake. Liam walks up to me, a sly grin on his face, and comments, "Wouldn't mind having some popcorn for this family drama, huh?"

I throw a frustrated "Shut the fuck up, Liam!" at him, but he only responds with a cheeky poke of his tongue before darting away. I walk in with Liam, and my heart softens at the sight of Addy on the couch, Evan on her lap, captivated by her undivided attention as she listens to his stories.

Liam gives me a nudge, smirking, and says, "Go get your girl, mate." I roll my eyes at his teasing, but there's truth in his words as I head towards Addy, determined to make things right. Addy gracefully rises from the couch, telling Evan, "Let's go to your room and play." She doesn't spare me a glance.

The younger group bursts into laughter, thoroughly enjoying the awkward encounter. I shoot them an irritated look and mutter, "Shut up, you little troublemakers." Christian smirks and quips, "Looks like you've got your hands full, brother. Good luck with that."

Lily grins and gives me a playful nudge, "Just remember, honesty is the best policy. Works with stubborn wives, too!"
Christian smirks at me, "I would never mistake another woman for Sophia, man. You've got to keep your eyes on the prize, always."

Sophia playfully interjects, "Oh, please! Don't listen to him, Asher. Christian once mistook me for my own cousin during our early dating days. He's just as human as the rest of us." I smirk at Christian, "Cousin confusion, huh? Classic move, buddy."

Before Christian can say anything, our mom's call us for lunch. "Sure thing, Mom. I'll go fetch my wonderful wife and our little storyteller," I  say with a grin, heading towards where Addy and Evan are.

I approach Addy and Evan, saying, "Lunch is ready, and everyone's waiting. Let's head in together." Evan eagerly dashes to the dining room and Addy stomps on my foot, sarcastically remarking, " It's a mistake, oops."

Despite my attempt to catch her hand, Addy remains adamant, refusing to let me and shooting a glare my way. I trail behind her as we enter the dining room, finding everyone already seated and waiting for us.

Addy casually places celery on my plate, leading my mother to interject, "He doesn't like celery, you know, has been that way since childhood." Addy playfully adds, "Actually, he's started eating it after marriage, and he enjoys it now."

With a tight-lipped smile, I nod in agreement, masking any hint of disgust on my face. Taking a bite, I reassure everyone that it's good, and Addy can't help but hide a smirk at my attempt.

My eyes flicker with irritation as Addy attempts to swap plates. I tighten my grip on the plate, whispering, "I'm good, you don't need to do anything," my tone carrying a hint of frustration.

I get why she's upset, but it would be better if she let me explain instead of acting all childish about it. I decided to give her some space today; avoiding Addy seemed like the safest bet to let things cool off.

Addy walked out of the bathroom post-shower, and I  couldn't help but appreciate the breathtaking sight.I lost my cool watching Addy preparing to sleep on the couch when she took the pillow and blanket and placed it on the couch, I stalked towards the door, closed it with force, and pinned her against it, unable to hold back my frustration.

I put my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her pouring my anger and frustration into it. I push her against the door and cage her there. I feel her, all of her, pressed against me, my hands are everywhere touching her and even though my mouth is already on hers , I want her closer to me. She fisted my t- shirt and when she denied opening her mouth I bit her lower lip and soothed it which made her moan into the kiss. I groaned at the sound and broke the kiss as she felt breathless.

My heart was beating fast and I'm breathless and I can still feel her soft lips and smell her sweet raspberry fragrance. Addy stands before collecting her breath, her blue eyes hooded, face crimson red and lips swollen.

I pulled Addy by the waist, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "You can curse me, kick me, or even threaten to kill me if you're angry. Just don't ignore and avoid me," I admitted, the pain evident in my eyes as I longed for resolution rather than distance.

Addy looked at me with a mix of emotions. "You can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay," she retorted, her eyes reflecting a blend of anger and hurt.I held Addy's gaze, "I messed up, babe. Mistook someone else for you, and I'm genuinely sorry. I promise it won't happen again. Let's not let this ruin what we have, okay?"

"I guess I overreacted. Sorry for being childish. Let's just move past this, okay?" Addy sighed. "No worries, princess. But next time, let's try solving problems, not avoiding them, okay?"and she nodded at that.

"Though devouring you sounds tempting, love, I guess we should save that for later. Let's go join the family for dinner." As Addy chuckles shyly, I can't help but feel a mixture of relief and amusement. "Lead the way, Mr. Charming. I'll try not to get lost in your magnetic presence."

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