Chapter 51

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As I suggested to Addy that we take the day off, a knot tightened in my stomach

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As I suggested to Addy that we take the day off, a knot tightened in my stomach. I knew where I wanted to take her – to that godforsaken place where Mason was held captive and tortured. It wasn't just about showing her the truth; it was about confronting her fears head-on. She needed to know what had happened to him, to face the darkness that had engulfed his life. It wouldn't be easy, but I couldn't protect her from it any longer. She had to know.

"Something comfortable," I replied to Addy's question about what to wear. I wanted her to feel relaxed, to be herself without any pretense. Today wasn't about putting on a show; it was about being real and facing the truth together.

Addy planted a soft kiss on my cheek and announced, "I'm ready." Her words were like music to my ears, and I couldn't help but smile in response. With a reassuring nod, I affirmed, "Great, let's go."

As I type the message to Liam and Christian, I can feel the weight of the moment sinking in. Taking Addy to see Mason is a decision not to be taken lightly. I hit send, hoping everything will be prepared for her arrival.

We're on our way. Is everything ready?

Everything's ready.

Is she okay ? Did you tell her?

I'll tell her as soon as we reach.

As we pull up to the old warehouse, I can sense Addy's curiosity mixing with a tinge of apprehension. I reach over, unbuckle my seatbelt, and turn to face her. Taking her hands into mine, I feel the weight of the moment as I prepare to reveal everything.

"Addy," I begin, my voice steady but filled with emotion, "there's something I need to show you, something important." I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before continuing to explain the significance of where we are and what she's about to see.

As I spill everything to Addy, I notice her reactions keenly. Her eyes widen, her breath quickens, and there it is – a tiny bead of sweat forming behind her ear. It's a subtle giveaway, one that I've come to recognize as a sign of her fear.

Seeing her like this tugs at my heartstrings. I know she's scared, but I also know she's strong. I gently brush my thumb against her cheek, offering a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's okay," I murmur, "We'll face this together." She takes a deep breath, steadying herself, before meeting my gaze with a nod. "Okay," she whispers, her voice wavering slightly. "Let's do this."

I inquire softly, "You sure about this, Addy? If it's too much, we can leave right now. No questions asked." She smiles softly, her eyes reflecting determination, "I'm sure, Asher. I want to do this. I need to see him and leave all those past fears behind."

As we enter, Liam and Christian are already waiting for us. Liam addresses me, and Christian goes in for a hug with Addy, checking in on her feelings. Christian asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Don't worry, Christian. I'll be fine. I've got Asher, Liam, and you to protect me," Addy reassures Christian with a confident smile.

As we step into the warehouse, Addy tightens her grip on my hand, her knuckles turning white. The sight inside is intense, maybe even overwhelming. I gently squeeze back, trying to offer her some comfort. I lean in close and whisper, "I've got you. If you need to leave, just say the word." I can feel the tension radiating from her, but I also know that she has the strength to handle this.

Addy’s eyes dart between Liam, Christian, and me. “Did you guys... did you torture Mason?” she asks, her voice wavering with a mix of fear and disbelief. I can see the hesitation in her expression, like she’s bracing herself for an answer she doesn’t want to hear. I glance at Liam and Christian, then back to Addy.

"Look, Addy," I begin, trying to find the right words. "Mason put you through so much pain. He made you live with constant fear. He hurt you." I pause, watching her reaction as she grips my hand tightly, her knuckles going white.

Christian chimes in, his voice steady and calm, "We did this for you, Addy. To make sure he couldn't hurt you or anyone else again." He glances at Liam, who nods in agreement. Liam adds, his expression serious, "That guy deserved every bit of what we gave him. He crossed a line, and we don't let that go unpunished."

Liam's got that switch.He's chill most of the time, but when someone messes with his family, it's like a whole different person shows up. The guy can get seriously intense. And to Liam, Blue's more than just a friend—she's like a little sister. You don't mess with her without expecting him to come down on you like a ton of bricks.
The guy might seem carefree on the surface, but there's a depth to his loyalty that people don't always see.

Addy looks between us, trying to process everything, and I just hope she understands why we did what we did. It's not easy to justify, but for her, I'd do anything. I lean down a bit and catch Addy's eyes, my voice gentle but with an edge of urgency. "You ready for this, Blue?" I ask, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine, and gives a nod.

Mason's voice is rough, strained from whatever he’s been through. "Belle suits you better than Blue," he mutters.

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