Chapter 31

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As the days passed, our connection deepened

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As the days passed, our connection deepened. From that heartfelt conversation in the farmhouse, our relationship blossomed.

Every evening, I crafted a symphony of flavors in the kitchen, preparing dinner for us. The sizzle of pans, the aroma of spices – it became our daily ritual. And each morning, I relished the routine of dropping her off at the office, our conversations a sweet prelude to the day.

Day by day, I find myself falling for my wife even more. Her quirks, her laughter, the way she approaches life – it's an enchanting journey, and I'm savoring every step of it.

Liam barged into my office, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Got some spicy gossip for you, mate," he declared, making himself at home. I shot Liam a deadpan look, "Don't you have an empire to run, or did you take a detour for some office gossip?"

Liam shrugged nonchalantly, "Empires can handle themselves, but I heard you've been managing more than just business lately." I dismissively reply, "I've got my hands full with actual work, not interested in gossip." Liam smirks and says, "Suit yourself, but you're missing out on some interesting stuff."

After irritating me , for a while, Liam leaves my office. Addy calls me to inform that she'll be late today as she has to finalise a few designs. I sigh and tell Addy it's okay, reminding her to take her time. After hanging up, I return to my work, feeling a mix of understanding and a tinge of loneliness.

Calling it a day, I retreat to our penthouse. After freshening up and slipping into grey tracks and a black t-shirt, I immerse myself in the soothing routine of preparing dinner. I glance at the ingredients, opting to whip up chicken Alfredo before heading out to pick up Addy.

Exhausted from cooking, I collapse onto the couch, taking a moment to unwind and catch my breath. The aroma of the freshly prepared chicken Alfredo fills the air.

I let out a huff of annoyance as I see Christian's name pop up on my phone. Wondering what it could be about, I reluctantly answer the call.  In a bored tone, I ask Christian, "What now?". I furrow my brows as Christian provides a vague reply about needing access to the penthouse.

"Fine, Christian. Okay, sent you the details. Elevator's open. Hurry up, I've got better things to do." I inform him and wait for him to come up.

Christian walked into the living room, his gaze searching. "Hey, Asher, where's Addy?" I straightened up on the couch, sensing an air of seriousness. "Addy's deep in her office, finalizing some designs." Christian's reaction was a muttered, "Oh shit." I couldn't help but wonder what might be running through his mind.

"Dude, what's up? 'Oh shit' usually means something's off. spill it." Christian's face tightened, and he hesitated for a moment before saying, "Can you... can you call Addy? I need to talk to her." His request held an urgency that made me reach for my phone without questioning.

I dialed Addy's number, the tension mounting with each futile attempt. Her phone remained elusive, the signal lost in the abyss. Turning to Christian, I couldn't hide the concern in my voice, "Mate, can't reach Addy. Her phone's MIA, and the signal's ghosted."

Christian's urgency cut through the worry, and he declared, "We need to go. I'll explain later, but right now, Addy is our priority." His words sent a chill down my spine, and without further question, we hurriedly headed towards her office.

I fumbled with my phone, desperation settling in. Punching in Liam's number, I urgently pleaded, "Liam, it's Asher. We can't reach Addy, and something's not right. Can you track her phone? We need to find her, man."

Liam's voice came through the phone, a mix of concern and determination. "Don't worry, Asher. I'll track her phone. Just keep me posted on any details you have." Relief washed over me as I knew Liam was the guy to turn to in moments like these.When it came to serious matters, Liam's ability to switch gears showcased a side of him that few got to witness.

Christian and I wasted no time. We headed to our vehicles, the urgency palpable. The engine roared to life as we sped towards Addy's office, the worry escalating with every passing moment.

Muttering to myself like a madman – 'Blue's safe, Blue's safe.' Trying to convince myself she's just buried in work, you know? But damn, this unease won't let up.Swerving and sliding, I effortlessly crossed lanes, fueled by the urgency to reach Addy. Full speed ahead, every second felt like an eternity.

Liam's voice on the phone turned grim, "Guys, Addy's phone is still in the office, and there's been another mobile there for the past 30 minutes." Christian tailed me in his car, our vehicles weaving through the night.

I arrived at Addy's office first, the building engulfed in an eerie darkness without a single flicker of electricity. Fear gripped me, and a chill ran down my spine.

"Come on, Blue, please be safe," I whispered to myself, a vulnerability in my voice. I dashed into the building, an uneasy feeling tightening my chest.

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