Chapter 59

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In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the hospital, with everyone focused on Sophia's delivery, I pulled Lily aside

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In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the hospital, with everyone focused on Sophia's delivery, I pulled Lily aside. We found a quiet corner, away from the anxious relatives and beeping machines. I leaned in close, whispering so that no one else could hear, "Hey, Lily. I missed my period."

Her eyes widened, and she gave me a questioning look, her voice low and cautious. "Wait, are you serious?"

I nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Yeah, I'm not sure what it means yet, but I thought I should tell you." It was all still new and uncertain, but Lily was my best friend, and I needed someone to confide in during this chaos.

Lily's eyes widened with shock, her voice dropping to a harsh whisper as she leaned in closer. "Addy, how could you not tell me about your bedroom life?" she accused, her expression a mix of surprise and mock betrayal. "We've known each other forever, and you kept this a secret?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, shaking my head. "Lily, it's not like I intentionally left you out," I said, trying to explain. "Besides, do you really want all the details?"

She crossed her arms, pretending to be upset. "Of course I do! What are best friends for?" she replied, her dramatic tone making me laugh. But beneath the teasing, I knew she was genuinely curious. Lily was the kind of friend who always wanted to know everything, especially when it came to something as big as this.

"Phenomenal, Out of this world." I said, feigning shock. "Lily, you'd be surprised. It's just like we read in those romance novels—the swoony ones." I gave her a dramatic wink, knowing it would spark her curiosity even more.

Lily's eyes lit up with excitement, like I'd just given her the juiciest piece of gossip. "No way!" she exclaimed, playfully shoving my shoulder. "Now you *have* to tell me everything!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Okay, maybe not everything," I said, raising my hands. "Let's just say, I'm not complaining about my bedroom life." Her enthusiastic reaction made it clear that she'd press for more details later, but I knew I'd be able to handle her questioning. Lily was always up for a little playful banter, and I enjoyed sharing these moments with her.

"Lily," I said, dropping my voice so no one else would hear, "do you think I should take a pregnancy test?" The question felt heavy, like I was on the edge of something huge, but I had to ask someone, and Lily was my go-to for all things personal.

Lily's eyes widened with surprise and excitement, her usual calm demeanor replaced with a burst of energy. "Absolutely!" she replied, not even hesitating. "You need to know for sure, right? I mean, what if you're... you know?" She couldn't help but grin, her enthusiasm contagious.

I nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. "Yeah, you're right," I said, half-talking to myself. "I need to know." It felt good to have her support, even if I wasn't sure what the answer would be. The thought of taking a pregnancy test was both thrilling and terrifying, but with Lily by my side, I knew I could handle whatever came next.

As Lily and I were discussing the latest gossip, I saw Asher and Liam heading our way. The sight of Asher with his usual swagger and Liam's easygoing smile made me feel like we were being watched. I quickly elbowed Lily, signaling her to drop the secretive whispering and act normal.

Lily nodded, and we both adopted casual expressions, pretending we were talking about some random topic. Asher greeted us with a quick kiss on my cheek, his presence always managing to put me at ease. "Hey, love," he said, his voice warm and light. "Do you want to eat anything? I can grab something for you."

I glanced at Lily, who was trying hard not to burst out laughing at our sudden change in demeanor. "Yeah, maybe just a sandwich for now," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady and hoping Asher wouldn't catch on to the fact that we had been having a very different conversation just a moment ago.

Liam nodded at us and continued talking to Lily about some random sports event, giving us a bit of breathing room. Asher's hand slid down to my waist, his touch reassuring.

Lily wasn't one to waste time, especially when it came to things like this. A few minutes after our conversation, she handed me a small bag with a pregnancy test kit inside. "Here you go," she said, her eyes bright with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "Take it. You need to know."

I took the bag, feeling a flutter of nerves in my stomach. It all felt a bit surreal. Just minutes ago, I was discussing the latest work gossip, and now I was holding a pregnancy test. "Thanks," I mumbled, not sure if I was ready to find out what the answer would be.

"Go on," Lily urged, giving me a gentle push. "I'll keep an eye out, make sure no one bothers you." She winked, trying to lighten the mood, but I could see the seriousness in her eyes. She knew this wasn't just some casual test—it was a potential game-changer.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. I couldn't hide my nervousness, but I was glad Lily was there. With a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure Asher and Liam weren't watching, I slipped away to find a wash room where I could take the test in private. It was time to get some answers, even if I wasn't entirely sure I was ready for them.

I stared at the pregnancy test in my hand, my heart racing as the result slowly appeared. When I saw the two lines, confirming I was pregnant, my mind spun with a mix of shock and excitement. I blinked, unsure if I was seeing things correctly, but there it was—clear as day.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Lily slipped in, her eyes full of curiosity and concern. "Hey, everything okay?" she asked, her voice low. When she saw my wide-eyed expression, she moved closer, looking over my shoulder at the test. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"Oh my God, Addy!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up. Without warning, she threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "You're pregnant!" She squealed with happiness, and her excitement was infectious. I couldn't help but join in, hugging her back and laughing at her enthusiasm.

"I know, right?" I said, my own excitement bubbling to the surface. It felt surreal, but having Lily there, sharing this moment, made it feel a little less daunting and a lot more joyful.

We hugged for a while, her energy filling the small bathroom with warmth. It was like we were teenagers again, squealing over some celebrity gossip—but this was real life, and it was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

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