Chapter 49

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"Did you invite someone over?" Addy asks, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, as the intercom buzzes just after we finish our lunch

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"Did you invite someone over?" Addy asks, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, as the intercom buzzes just after we finish our lunch. "Nah, I didn't invite anyone," I reply, shrugging slightly as I head to check the intercom, with Addy trailing close behind.

As the elevator doors slide open to reveal Christian, Sophia, and Evan, Addy jumps with excitement. With a sigh, I give them access, frustrated that our alone time is interrupted once again.

Addy greets them enthusiastically, but I'm too annoyed by the interruption to reciprocate. She elbows me, reminding me to at least acknowledge their presence. Christian smirks and tosses a playful jab, calling me "whipped". I roll my eyes, knowing he's just teasing.

"Hey, I'm just devoted to my girl," I retort with a smirk, playfully defending myself. I raise an eyebrow and ask Christian, "And you're not whipped for your wife? Come on, man, we're all in the same boat here." "Of course I am, but I don't let her take over my life like you do!"

I roll my eyes at Christian's comment. Sure, he can pretend he's not whipped, but who's he kidding? We all know he's head over heels for Sophia. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Christian," I chuckle, not bothering to argue further. After all, actions speak louder than words, and from where I'm standing, he's just as smitten as the rest of us.

I snap out of my thoughts when Addy calls us out. "Coming!" I reply, flashing a grin at Christian before heading to join the others. Can't keep the lady waiting, after all. I raise my eyebrows at Addy, noticing she's wearing pants. She shoots a secretive signal to Christian, Sophia, and Evan. I catch the exchange and shake my head.

I plop down next to Addy on the couch as she's cuddling Evan on her lap. Christian settles in across from us with Sophia. It's a cozy scene, but I can't shake the feeling that they're up to something. "Hey, Addy, can I ask you for a favor?" As Christian asked Addy for a favor, she responded, "Sure, go ahead."

As Christian informed Addy that he and Sophia were going out for a date, he asked, "Could you babysit Evan until we come back?" I shake my head, not agreeing to Christian's favor. Frustration bubbles up; it means I won't get much time alone with Addy if Evan is with us.
"Of course, we'll take good care of Evan. You two enjoy your date!"

"Hey, Christian, can't your parents look after Evan?" I inquired. "Nah, they're out of town for the weekend," Christian replied, shaking his head. Addy turned towards me, her sweet smile masking the warning in her tone and the glare in her eyes. "Baby, we are babysitting Evan," she said.

I finally give in because it's the first time Addy has called me "baby." As Evan points to the hickeys on Addy's neck and asks, "What's this?" a surge of panic courses through me. I tell Evan straightforwardly, "They're hickeys."

Addy hides her face, Sophia disapproves of my response, and Christian shoots me a glare. Looks like I might have said too much.As Evan innocently asks his mother about hickeys, I exchange a quick glance with Christian and Sophia, who shoot me a reproachful look. Realizing the awkwardness, I step in to explain to Evan what a hickey is, trying to keep it as PG-rated as possible.

"It's kind of like an insect bite, buddy," I say, trying to downplay the situation. "Don't worry, Addy will be fine. I'll take care of her." Evan's innocent curiosity prompts a giggle from me, "Okay, Uncle Asher! But next time, use bug spray!" I chuckles and nods, "Sure thing, buddy! Bug spray it is."

As Sophia hands Evan's bag to Addy and Christian warns me "And remember, keep things kid-friendly.", I can't help but feel a bit sheepish. "Got it," I nod.As Christian and Sophia kiss Evan goodbye, they leave for their date, leaving us behind.

As Addy hits my elbow and scolds me, asking " What's wrong with you and why would you say that? Idiot". I can't help but chuckle. "Sorry, blue," I say, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. "Got carried away there."  Evan can't help but giggle at the scene. "Is it fun to see me getting scolded?" I ask him, to which Evan responds with a mischievous grin, "Yes."

As I chase Evan around the living room, I can't help but notice Addy's hearty chuckles echoing in the room. She's clutching her stomach, thoroughly enjoying the moment, and I can't help but stare at her, feeling a rush of affection wash over me. Sensing the quiet between us, she lifts her head and inquires, "What's up?" With a soft smile, I simply reply, "I love you." Her eyes light up and says " I love you too"

As I lift Evan, who's tugging at my sweats, I make my way over to Addy and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. With a soft smile, I lean in and whisper, "You know, seeing you laugh like that, it's everything to me. It's like the whole world just fades away, and all that
matters is you, happy and carefree."

Addy's lips meet my cheek in a tender kiss, and she replies with a playful tone, "You're my world too, you know that." As Evan tries to sneak a kiss, I chuckle and playfully pull him back, saying, "Hey, buddy, lips off-limits! Those are reserved for me."

Addy just laughs and scoops Evan into her arms, planting a kiss on his cheek. "You're such a charmer," she says affectionately, ruffling his hair as Evan giggles in delight.

As Evan rushes off to grab something from his bag, I seize the opportunity to pull Addy into my arms, relishing the warmth of her embrace. Our gazes meet, and in that moment, I'm lost in the depth of her eyes, feeling an overwhelming surge of love for her.

I lean in close, my breath grazing her ear as I whisper softly, "Have I ever told you how much I hate Evan?"

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