Chapter 28

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I'm stuck in the car, still chanting "It's not true," but this time, panic shivers down my spine as I spot that familiar shadow in the rear-view mirror

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I'm stuck in the car, still chanting "It's not true," but this time, panic shivers down my spine as I spot that familiar shadow in the rear-view mirror. "Seriously, universe? Can we not do this right now?" I mutter, caught between disbelief and a growing sense of dread.

I'm jolted out of my panicked trance when Asher swings the car door open, looking at me with concern. "What's wrong?" he asks, oblivious to the bizarre mix of emotions that just collided in my world.

I muster a fake smile, suppressing the whirlwind of emotions. "Nothing. Let's go," I say. As Christian greets us, concern evident on his face, he asks me, "What's wrong? Your face looks pale." Forcing a smile, I  reply to Christian, "Nothing, I'm fine. Just a bit tired."

Christian's eyes narrow as he asks angrily, "Did Asher drive at a high speed again?" He's clearly concerned, his protective instincts kicking in. I pull Christian aside and whisper, "No, he didn't drive fast. I haven't told him anything yet." Asher, with a puzzled frown, asks us, "What's happening?"

Liam drives into the farmhouse, inadvertently saving me from having to answer Asher's question. Asher and Christian groan in unison as they see Liam approaching, and Asher mutters, "Not again." I can't help but laugh at their antics.

Liam playfully asks " Are you guys standing outside to give me a grand welcome.?" Asher sarcastically replies, "Oh, Liam, we were just eagerly awaiting your royal entrance." Before they could bicker again, I announced " ok let's go inside." And we all make our way inside.

Asher's hand envelops mine, and it's like a simple, sweet melody playing in the background. Those butterflies? Oh, they're practically hosting a dance party in my stomach. Holding his hand feels like a cozy, reassuring hug from the universe – a small, romantic gesture that never fails to make everything else fade away.

We waltz into the living room."Hey, fam! Miss us?" I tease, earning a mix of laughs and eye rolls."Happy anniversary, you two lovebirds," I chirp.Evan comes bounding over, a mischievous grin on his face. "Aunt Addy, lift me up!" he demands, and I oblige, hoisting him into the air. His giggles fill the room.  Lily enters the room, but I couldn't go to her as Evan doesn't let me.

I glance over at Asher, and there's this subtle scowl on his face as Evan revels in the attention. Jealousy looks good on no one, but on Asher? Kind of cute. I can't help but chuckle at the sight. I shoot Asher a playful look. "No need for the whining and jealousy, mister. Last time I checked, you're officially upgraded to the husband status, and no nephew's charm can change that," I quip.

Asher smirks, pretending to dust off his imaginary jealousy crown. "Alright, alright, husband privileges duly noted. No need to remind me that I'm the lucky one," he replies with a wink. As Liam and Lily share a moment that's a little too cozy for comfort, Asher and I exchange a glance simultaneously. "What's going on between them?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Asher shrugs and makes way to his father.

Sophia breezes in, and I greet her with a smile. "Hey, Sophia! Consider Evan officially in your care," I say, handing over the little whirlwind. I make my way to Lily and we both go the backyard and sit down on a bench.

Lily shoots me a concerned look. "Spill it, Addy. What's wrong?" she asks, her tone leaving no room for evasion. I chuckle, knowing there's no hiding anything from her."Lily, I saw a shadow today, similar to... him. I'm scared he might be back in my life," I admit, a lump forming in my throat. The vulnerability spills over, and I let out a shaky sob.

Lily pulls me into a tight hug, offering comfort without needing any words. "Have you told Asher about this?" she asks, concern etched on her face. I shake my head, a wave of apprehension washing over me. "No, Lily. I'm scared to tell him. I'm scared he'll see me differently, like damaged goods or something," I admit, vulnerability lacing my words.

Lily pulls away gently, looking at me with a reassuring smile. "Addy, he won't judge you. You've got to open up to him about this," she says, her words carrying a sense of certainty.

I dab at my tears, looking at Lily with a half-smile. "Since when did you become Asher's advocate?" I ask, curious. Lily grins, her reply laced with a hint of mischief, "Well, someone's got to keep him on track. Might as well be me."

Just as Lily and I share a moment, my mother's voice interrupts the scene. "Girls, come inside!" she calls. I start heading in, only to unintentionally bump into Asher. "Smooth, Addy," I mutter, sharing a quick, amused glance with him. Lily, on the other hand, executes a stealthy exit, slipping away from there.

Mid-bump with Asher, I stumble, and he catches me effortlessly. "Graceful as always," I quip, but the teasing fades when he notices the remnants of tears on my cheeks. "Have you been crying?" he asks, concern etching his features.

Instead of answering, I opt for a hug, burrowing into the comforting embrace Asher provides. His arms wrap around me, and there's this calming familiarity, like the chaos outside dissipates in the security of his hug.

I lift my head, still in the cocoon of our embrace, and meet Asher's eyes. A smile plays on my lips, and he reciprocates, leaning down to kiss my forehead.


Aww aren't they cute? In the coming chapters you'll be able to know about Addy's trauma.

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