chapter 17 : convincing her

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I walked through the familiar halls of the orphanage, watching as children laughed and played

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I walked through the familiar halls of the orphanage, watching as children laughed and played. It was a bittersweet moment, remembering my own time here, wondering about my past. I approached the warden, hoping for answers about the mysterious box, but she shook her head, apologetic. "I'm sorry, Mahira, I don't know anything about it."

Disappointment washed over me, and I felt a pang of sadness. I had been hoping for a lead, a clue to unlock the secrets of my past. But it seemed I was no closer to the truth.

Just as I was about to leave, I saw a familiar face - Abhi, my childhood friend from the orphanage. We had grown up together, like brother and sister, sharing our hopes and dreams. I hadn't seen him in years, but the bond we shared remained strong.

I rushed over to him, surprise and excitement on my face. "Abhi!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him in a tight hug.

He laughed, hugging me back, and we stood there for a moment, catching up on lost time. It was like no time had passed at all, and we fell into our old rhythm, teasing and joking like we used to.

As we caught up, Abhi told me about his life, about his wife and two-year-old daughter. I was thrilled to hear about his happiness, and my heart swelled with joy for my dear friend. He had always deserved love and happiness, and it seemed he had found it.

Abhi explained that he had brought his family to the orphanage to show his daughter where he grew up, to share his roots with her. I was touched by his gesture, knowing how important it was to him to connect his past and present.

As we talked, his daughter, little Riya, toddled around us, exploring the orphanage with curious eyes. Abhi's wife, Priya, smiled warmly at me, and I felt a sense of welcome from her. They were a beautiful family, and I was grateful to see Abhi so happy.

As we reminisced about our childhood, Abhi shared stories about our time in the orphanage, making me laugh with memories I had long forgotten. It was a bittersweet moment, remembering the struggles we had faced, but also the bond we had formed.

Little Riya climbed onto Abhi's lap, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. I saw the love in his eyes, the pride and adoration, and my heart swelled with happiness for my friend. He had found his happiness, and I was so grateful to see it.

As the evening drew to a close, Abhi offered to walk me out, and I bid his family farewell, hugging Priya and Riya goodbye. As Abhi and I strolled out of the orphanage, I noticed a familiar figure standing outside - Veeranshu Rajput. His eyes narrowed, his face set in a stern expression, he looked like a volcano about to erupt.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as our eyes met, and I quickly looked away, focusing on Abhi. We exchanged a warm hug, like the brother and sister we had once been, and I felt a sense of comfort in his embrace.

But as we pulled back, I couldn't help but sneak a glance at Veeranshu. His eyes were still fixed on me, his gaze intense and piercing. I felt a flutter in my chest, a mix of fear and curiosity. What was he doing here? And why did he look so angry?

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