chapter 10: the King of Times

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The next morning, Mahira prepared herself for the meeting with Veeranshu, her mind still reeling from the previous day's events

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The next morning, Mahira prepared herself for the meeting with Veeranshu, her mind still reeling from the previous day's events. She dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit, her hair pulled back in a tight bun, and her eyes flashing with a newfound determination.

As she made her way to Veeranshu's office, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration. He had left her with so many unanswered questions, and she was determined to get the truth out of him today.

But beneath her anger, Mahira realized that she was no longer scared of Veeranshu. She had seen a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes, a hint of kindness in his smile, and she knew that he wouldn't harm her. In fact, she felt a strange sense of trust towards him, a feeling that was both natural and unsettling at the same time.

Veeranshu sat at his desk, his eyes scanning the papers in front of him, but his mind was elsewhere. For the first time in his life, he found himself glancing at the clock numerous times, waiting for someone. Her.


He had intentionally made her wait, citing a prior meeting, but in truth, he needed time to process the things she had revealed in her dreams. The secrets she had uncovered, the mysteries she had unraveled, they all swirled in his mind like a maelstrom.

But there was another reason, one he wouldn't admit to himself, let alone anyone else. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to gaze into those piercing green eyes, to watch her lips curve into a determined smile, to hear her voice, husky and confident.

He shook his head, focusing on the papers in front of him. Foolishness. He was a king maker, a strategist, not some lovesick fool. And yet...

The clock ticked on, and he found himself counting the minutes until she would arrive. Five more minutes. Four. Three...

As the clock struck 10 in the morning, Mahira stepped out of her car and gazed up at the imposing structure before her

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As the clock struck 10 in the morning, Mahira stepped out of her car and gazed up at the imposing structure before her. The King of Times building stood tall and proud, its sleek, modern design exuding an aura of power and sophistication. The gleaming glass and steel façade seemed to shimmer in the morning light, radiating an air of luxury and expense.

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