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prologue :

" The darkness closed in around him, like a shroud of silence. Veeranshu's eyes fluttered open, and he was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. Groggily, he sat up, trying to shake off the haze in his mind. Where was he? How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was...dying." .......

Panic set in as he scrambled out of bed and stumbled to the mirror. A stranger stared back at him, with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair. Veeranshu's heart raced as he realized the truth - he had traveled through time. But how? And why?

Darkness whispered secrets in my ear. The same dream haunted me every night - a rugged, piercing gaze that seemed to follow me everywhere. "I've found you, Mahi," the whisper echoed in my mind. A presence watched me, waiting for me to surrender to the dreams. Little did I know, someone's past was about to unravel.

Veeranshu Rajput, a billionaire with a mysterious past, has a piercing gaze that holds secrets. Veeranshu stands out in the bustling streets of modern-day India, his chiseled features and broad shoulders drawing attention amidst the crowds. His piercing blue eyes seem to hold a hint of ancient wisdom, a contrast to the sleek smartphones and high-rise buildings that surround him. his confident stride and assertive demeanor evoke a sense of a bygone era, as if a legendary warrior has been transported through time to confront the challenges of the 21st century.

Mahira Sengupta is a talented and successful author, known for her historical fiction novels. She's intelligent, curious, and has a passion for uncovering hidden truths. However, Mahi has a secret: she's been having recurring dreams about a mysterious man, Viraaj Singh Chauhan, who seems to be calling out to her from another era. These dreams have become increasingly vivid and intense, that she's started to write about Viraaj's life in her novels, using the dreams as inspiration. She's become obsessed with uncovering the truth about him, and her research has led her down a dangerous path. She's begun to suspect that Viraaj's story is more than just a product of her imagination, and that their connection might be more than just a figment of her dreams.
the dreams intensify and the lines between reality and fantasy blur, Mahi finds herself at a crossroads, unsure of what's real and what's just a product of her imagination.

The connection between the two men is shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear: Veeranshu's presence in Mahi's life is no coincidence. As the dreams intensify and the lines between reality and fantasy blur, Mahi finds herself at a crossroads, unsure of what's real and what's just a product of her imagination. But she's about to discover that the truth is far more sinister than she ever imagined...

Who is Veeranshu Rajput, really?
- What secrets is he hiding behind his piercing gaze?
- And what does he want from  Mahi?
- Will Mahi uncover the secrets of her past and the truth about Veeranshu? Will she be able to trust him, or will she become the next victim? The journey begins now...

beyond the Dreams :the past is not what it seems Where stories live. Discover now