chapter 12 : Veeranshu's protection

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Veeranshu's eyes blazed with anger as he scrutinized the CCTV footage

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Veeranshu's eyes blazed with anger as he scrutinized the CCTV footage. He was used to threats, used to attacks, but not like this. Not when Mahira was involved.

His mind raced with possibilities, his rivals topping the list. Who else would dare to target him, to target her?

And then, he saw him - the shooter. Veeranshu's gaze narrowed, his eyes locked on the figure. But as he watched, he realized something that made his blood run cold. The shooter wasn't aiming at him. The target was Mahira.

A growl rose in his throat, his fists clenched. Who was behind this? And why were they after her?

He spun around, his eyes scanning the room. His guards were watching, waiting for his orders. "Find out who did this," he snarled. "And bring them to me."

The guards nodded, disappearing into the night. Veeranshu's gaze returned to the footage, his mind working overtime. He would protect Mahira, no matter what it took. She was under his wing now, and no one would harm her on his watch.

He wasn't feeling calm like he always was .. something bothering him . He wanted to confirm if she's safe or not . Soo....

Veeranshu's phone rang, and Mahira's voice answered, hesitant and unsure. "Hello?"

"Mahira, it's Veeranshu. I just wanted to check if you reached home safely," he said, his voice firm but laced with concern. He had been pacing in his office, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios, until he finally couldn't take the wait any longer.

There was a pause, and then she spoke, her voice still shaken. "Y-yes, I'm home. Thank you for checking on me." Veeranshu's grip on his phone tightened as he imagined her alone, vulnerable, and scared.

He didn't like the fear in her voice, the vulnerability that seemed to seep through the phone lines. It triggered a protective instinct in him, one that he couldn't ignore. He made a decision, one that he knew would ensure her safety, even if it meant overstepping boundaries.

"Mahira, I've appointed a security team for you. They'll be watching your house, your every move. You don't have to know they're there, but trust me, they'll keep you safe," he said, his tone firm and commanding. He had already given the orders, a team of his best men deployed to her location, watching and waiting.

There was a silence, and then she spoke, her voice firm. "Veeranshu, I appreciate your concern, but I don't need a security team. I can take care of myself."

Veeranshu's smile was cold, calculated. "This isn't up for debate, Mahira. You're under my protection now. And I won't let anything happen to you."she hung up the phone, at least his mind was at ease knowing that she was safe, f. The line went dead, and Veeranshu's eyes narrowed. He knew she wouldn't understand, not yet. But soon, she would see the danger that lurked in every corner, and she would thank him for his protection.

 But soon, she would see the danger that lurked in every corner, and she would thank him for his protection

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As I was driven home by his Guards , my mind raced with thoughts of the gunshot. Who was the target? Was it Veeranshu or me? And why would someone want to harm us?

I couldn't shake off the feeling of fear and vulnerability. I had always been independent, never needing anyone's protection. But now, I felt like I was walking on thin ice, unsure of what lay ahead.

When I reached home, I locked the door behind me and leaned against it, trying to calm my racing heart. But the sound of the gunshot echoed in my mind, refusing to let me be.

Just as I was starting to feel a sense of unease, my phone rang. It was Veeranshu. "Mahira, it's Veeranshu. I just wanted to check if you reached home safely," he said, his voice firm but laced with concern.

I appreciated his concern, but I didn't need his protection. Or so I thought. "Y-yes, I'm home. Thank you for checking on me," I replied, trying to sound braver than I felt.

But Veeranshu wasn't having it. "Mahira, I've appointed a security team for you. They'll be watching your house, your every move. You don't have to know they're there, but trust me, they'll keep you safe," he said, his tone firm and commanding.

I felt a surge of indignation. Who did he think he was, anyway? "Veeranshu, I appreciate your concern, but I don't need a security team. I can take care of myself," I said, trying to sound firm.

But Veeranshu told me , seriousness in his voice. "This isn't up for debate, Mahira. You're under my protection now. And I won't let anything happen to you." And I hung up, feeling vulnerable and his talk did the perfect job leaving me feeling frustrated and trapped.

I sat there silently, lost in thought, trying to process everything that had happened. The gunshot, Veeranshu's concern, the security was all too much to take in.

But as I sat there, I realized something. The enemy, whoever it was, wanted me to feel scared, vulnerable, and powerless. They wanted me to cower in fear and hide.

Well, I had news for them. I, Mahira, was not one to be intimidated. I was strong, capable, and determined. I had faced challenges before and came out on top.

I gave myself a little prep talk, straightening my shoulders and squaring my jaw. "You got this, Mahira. You're not going to let some cowardly threat dictate your life. You're going to keep going, keep fighting, and come out victorious in the end."

Feeling a sense of resolve, I got up and began to prepare dinner, my mind focused on the tasks at hand. As I ate and then went to bed, I felt a sense of peace washing over me. I knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges, but I was ready. Bring it on.

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