Chapter 6 - Reunion

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Veeranshu's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the invitation to Mahira's college reunion. He had been keeping tabs on her, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally meet her in person.

He pulled out his phone and dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail. He tried again, but she didn't pick up. Veeranshu's jaw clenched in frustration. She was avoiding him.

Undeterred, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He made a few calls, pulled some strings, and managed to get himself invited to the reunion as well.

Veeranshu smiled to himself as he hung up the phone. He had a feeling that Mahira wasn't going to be pleased about his sudden appearance at her reunion. But he didn't care. He was determined to see her, to talk to her, and to finally get the answers he had been seeking.

With the wheels in motion, Veeranshu leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. He knew that Mahira was trying to avoid him, but he was always one step ahead. And now, with his invitation to the reunion secured, he was ready to make his move.

Mahira stood in front of her mirror, adjusting her dress for what felt like the hundredth time

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Mahira stood in front of her mirror, adjusting her dress for what felt like the hundredth time. She was nervous about the reunion, unsure of what to expect. She had spent years building a successful career as a journalist and author, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity about seeing her old classmates again.

She took a deep breath and looked herself straight in the eye. "Mahira, you've got this," she told herself. "You're a successful, intelligent, and capable woman. You've achieved so much since college, and you should be proud of yourself."

She straightened her shoulders and smoothed out her dress, trying to shake off the lingering doubts. "I'm not the same shy, awkward girl I was in college," she reminded herself. "I'm confident, I'm strong, and I'm ready for this."

With a newfound sense of determination, Mahira headed out the door to the reunion, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Mahira stepped into the grand ballroom of the luxurious hotel, the venue for the reunion. The high ceilings and chandeliers sparkled above her, casting a warm glow over the bustling crowd of familiar faces. The sound of laughter and music filled the air, mingling with the scent of perfume and freshly poured cocktails. Mahira's eyes scanned the room, taking in the sea of strangers who were once her classmates, her friends, and her acquaintances.

Mahira stood tall, her confidence radiating from her poised demeanor and elegant attire, as she sipped her juice and surveyed the room. Suddenly, a group of familiar faces approached her, and her eyes narrowed as she spotted Rohan, her former bully from college, among them. Her grip on her juice glass tightened, but she maintained her composure, ready to face whatever confrontation lay ahead.

Rohan, sporting a smug grin, stepped forward from the group, his eyes fixed on Mahira with a mocking glint. "Well, well, well, look what we have here," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The famous Mahira, all dressed up and trying to impress us with her fancy clothes and juice in hand."

Mahira's eyes narrowed, her grip on her glass tightening, but she maintained her composure. "Rohan, always the charmer," she replied, her tone laced with sarcasm. "I see some things never change."

Rohan chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Hey, I was just trying to break the ice. You know, bring back some old times."

Mahira's smile was icy. "Oh, I remember the old times, Rohan. I remember how you used to bully me, how you made my life miserable. But you know what? I'm not that person anymore. I've moved on, and I've succeeded despite your best efforts to bring me down."

The group around them began to murmur, uncomfortable with the tension. Rohan's smug grin faltered, and he took a step back, his face reddening.

"Well, congratulations, Mahira," he muttered, trying to save face. "I'm sure you've done very well for yourself."

Mahira's reply was swift and cutting. "I have, Rohan. And I didn't need to resort to bullying or belittling others to get there. That's the difference between us."

With that, she turned her back on him, dismissing him entirely. Rohan, his embarrassment and humiliation evident on his face, quickly retreated from the scene, his tail between his legs. The group around them applauded Mahira's response, and she smiled, her confidence and poise radiating from her like a beacon.

Mahira glanced at her watch, realizing she had been at the reunion for a few hours. She was starting to feel restless, and the constant chatter and gossip were beginning to grate on her. She had never been one for small talk or drama, and the thought of spending another minute indulging in it was exhausting.

With a polite excuse, Mahira made her way to the exit, eager to escape the stifling atmosphere. She had had enough of pretending to be interested in people's lives, enough of the forced laughter and fake smiles. She was ready to leave the past behind and focus on her own future.

As she walked down the corridor, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was almost free.

But just as she was about to reach the safety of the outside world, a hand grasped her wrist, pulling her into a dark room. It was Rohan.

Mahira's eyes widened as she was pulled into the dark room, her heart racing with surprise and a hint of fear. She saw Rohan's face, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous intensity in the dim light. For a moment, she felt a flash of vulnerability, but she quickly regained her composure, refusing to show Rohan that he had rattled her.

"What do you want, Rohan?" she demanded, trying to sound calm and assertive, despite the eerie atmosphere of the dark room.

Rohan chuckled, his breath hot on her ear. "I just wanted to have a little chat with you, Mahira. You know, about old times."

Mahira's instincts screamed at her to be cautious, but she didn't want to give Rohan the satisfaction of seeing her fear. She stood her ground, trying to appear confident and unafraid.

"Well, I'm not interested in rehashing the past," she said firmly. "Let me go, Rohan."

Rohan's grip on her hand tightened, and Mahira felt a surge of adrenaline as she realized she was trapped. But she refused to back down, her eyes locked on Rohan's as she waited for him to make his next move.

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