Chapter 16: The Horrific Beauty And The Cosmic Game.

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In the palace floating through the emptiness of space was the creator, Azaroth, as well as two of his earliest creations, Aelia and Vyria. The three of them were observing Alex's and Elara's lives ever since Alex was first born.

They were watching in silence, when suddenly, "Can we change back now?" Aelia asked.

Vyria looked in Aelia's direction and shrugged her shoulders, "Go for it, nobody is stopping you."

"You're not gonna?" Aelia asked, and Vyria shrugged her shoulders yet again.

"I mean, I can if you want me to." Vyria responded casually.

"I do, so let's do it. Azaroth, you joining us?" Aelia asked.

Azaroth, who was watching both Aelia and Vyria as well as Alex and Elara, nodded his head, "Sure, why not. But you two first." He agreed.

Aelia and Elara nodded their heads and in an instant disappeared after transforming their bodies to their original forms. Their true forms completely intangible and imperceptible, yet Azaroth could perceive them perfectly and clearly. Neither looked human or even remotely close to any lifeform that Alex would be familiar with. If anything or anyone, mortal or otherwise, were to be able to see these forms, they would die from simple glancing at them due to their horrific but at the same time beautiful 'appearance'. Horrors as well as beauty beyond human comprehension, in simple words. And yet, Azaroth looked directly at them with pride in his eyes.

"Beautiful, so beautiful." He muttered. Then, he himself transformed into his own true form, even more horrific, terrifying, and beautiful than Aelia and Vyria. Azaroth could perceive Aelia and Vyria clearly, yet they couldn't perceive him.

"You know we can't see you, create an avatar." Aelia said.

"Ah, right." Azaroth said and did as Aelia suggested, creating an avatar so they could perceive and interact with him.

"You both are so beautiful." Azaroth said, admiring their forms.

"You created these bodies, obviously they'll be most beautiful to your eyes." Aelia responded.

"Exactly, you're biased." Vyria said.

"Maybe, what of it?" Azaroth replied.

"Nothing really." Aelia said.


In the Void were three figures: two Heroes, Kael and Keri, and one Demon, Hriu. Kael and Keri were in their true forms, while Hriu was in a human avatar.

"These human forms are... certainly something." Said Keri, and Kael and Hriu nodded.

"True." Hriu responded before transforming his body to something akin to a dragon-human demihuman from the universe Alex reincarnated into. Most of the left side of his body turned into dark red dragon-like scales, his left hand and foot to a dragon's paws, the sclera in his left eye turned dark red, while the iris turned a deep green. "However, I feel like this form fits me better." He said.

"What's... the difference?" Asked Keri, confused.

"Well, just like Avalog, I have sent my own avatar into the lower worlds to find out what Avalog saw in these creatures. Apparently, this appearance signifies strength and wisdom in one of these worlds." Hriu answered.

"But that's not what a human looks like, right? Alex and Elara don't look like that and they're humans." Kael said.

"It looks close enough, and they're called half-humans." Hriu replied.

"Keri?" Kael said, looking towards the Hero.

"Hm?" Keri replied.

"Did you do something since Avalog's leave?" Kael asked.

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