Chapter 14: The Sale And The System.

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Once inside the guild, the duo stood in line to the reception desk, three people in front of them.

After a minute of silence between the two, Elara suddenly said, "Wanna play tic-tac-toe?"

"Sure. I'll go first, circle on bottom right." Alex responded.

"X on middle." Elara said.

"Circle on bottom left." Said Alex as the first person finished at the reception desk. Now, only two people stand in front of Alex and Elara, both some type of demihumans.

"X on bottom middle." Elara said, blocking Alex's win.

"Circle on top middle." Alex said, blocking Elara's win, too.

"Nobody will win, wanna play again or do we play something else?" Elara asked.

"Let's play again." Alex replied. The person in front of them, a human-fox demihuman, looked excited, her tail wagging back and forth. The tip of her tail accidentally brushed against Alex's hand.

The woman looked over her shoulder and said, "Sorry." Alex nodded and the woman turned back forward.

"I start, circle on middle." Elara said.

"X on top right" Alex said.

"Circle on bottom right."

"X on top left."

"Circle on top middle."

"X on bottom middle."

"And nobody wins." Elara said as the person in the front finished their business and stepped out of the line.

"Got some other things we could do?" Elara asked.

"Just talk, I guess." Alex responded.

"So, what do we talk about?" Elara asked.

"No idea." Alex replied, and they went silent for a moment.

"Why's she so excited?" Elara asked, looking at the human-fox woman in front of them.

"Probably to get paid, I guess." Alex responded and looked at Elara, who was solving a Rubik's cube in her hands.

"These things are a bit fun." Elara said as she solved the cube after a couple seconds. "The algorithms used to solve this are pretty cool." She added.

"You solved 3 since I started watching you, you sure it's a challenge for you?" Alex asked, seeing Elara dissipate another Rubik's cube into thin air and create a new, unsolved one.

"It's not, but I can at least be occupied while waiting." Elara replied.

"Then create a bigger one and solve it, that should take some more time." Alex said. Elara, who already solved the one from a moment ago, shrugged and followed Alex's suggestion, creating a Rubik's cube with a bigger grid.

Elara looked at all the sides, and started solving it after that. This one did take her more time to solve, but ultimately she was able to solve it after just over half a minute.

Alex looked up and noticed that some people were looking at him and Elara. He looked back at the solved cube in Elara's hand and said, "People are watching you."

"Probably because they never saw a Rubik's cube." Elara responded before dissipating the cube into Xen. By then, the person up front finished and they moved forward.

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