Chapter 8: The Acidic Bird And The Adventurer's Entrance Exam.

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They continued their slow walk, not in a rush but instead taking in the scenery around them. The forest, which was awfully quiet to Alex, seemed as if it was watching their every move. Suddenly, a loud screeching-like noise came from their right, and looking in that direction, they saw a bird. The bird looked nothing like Alex remembered from his past life, this one was like a mix between a colorful parrot and a seagull. Both Alex and Elara stopped for a moment, admiring the bird before continuing when the bird flew away.

"That was a cool bird." Alex said, kicking the leaves on the ground.

"Yeah. Just make sure you don't scare it or it'll hurt. Bad." Elara responded, making Alex chuckle a bit.

"What? You think that I'm that scared of getting scratched or something?" Alex asked, looking around the forest to spot another bird.

"Nope, you'll get strong acid squirted into your eyes and ears." Elara said casually, as if she didn't say something serious.

"What did you say?" Alex asked, trying to make sure his clone's ears were functioning properly.

"I said that you'll get acid squirted into your eyes and ears if you scare or disturb that bird we saw." Elara repeated herself.

"Oh... So, when it made that noise, did we scare it or something? You think that it'll come flying at us in some time?" Alex asked in a whisper. Elara shook her head and responded calmly,

"No, it's not going to fly at us. It's really sensitive to noise, but it doesn't consider us threats until it thinks that we're attacking. Just know that you shouldn't annoy them in the future. Unless you want your eyes and eardrums to be melted with acid in seconds." Elara took in the nature around them, smelling the air and feeling the wind blow past her. She was happy that she could finally experience the real world and not spend time in the 'Incomplete Complex World'. Even though she only came to exist about one and a half hours ago, she was already getting bored in that dimension.

"Yeah, I won't go near it, actually. I'm not risking having my eyes melted off." Alex said, now looking around to make sure this bird was not in his path. Elara nodded and they continued on their way.


After walking for over half an hour, they finally crossed the entire forest.

The wall stood over 10 meters tall and glowed a very faint green color. The gate itself was guarded by 6 knights, 3 on each side. There weren't any people going in through this gate, as it wasn't the main one.

As Alex and Elara slowly approached, the knights stood in front of the closed gate.

"What's gonna happen now, Elara?" Alex whispered, looking the knights up and down.

"They're probably going to ask for some form of identification." Elara answered, also in a whisper.

"Like an ID or what?" Alex asked.

"They're gonna scan us to register the Xen layer and the 'Identification Crest' on our bodies. The 'Identification Crest' and the Xen layer have the same vibrational frequencies that change from person to person, so they have to match." Elara explained, making Alex look at his right palm, but the crest wasn't there.

"Why is my crest not here?" Alex asked.

"Sorry, forgot about it." Elara apologized and created an 'Identification Crest' on Alex's left shoulder and her right shoulder blade underneath the skin. She also covered their bodies in a thin layer of Xen that matched the vibrational frequencies of their crests.

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