Chapter 6: The Marking And The Soul Anatomy.

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Finally, the royal trio arrived before a door. Alex's father opened it and they went inside. There, in the well-lit room, a fairly young man sat on a couch to the right. He stood up and Alex's mother lied Alex down on the couch.

"I wonder where your crest will be." Elara's voice said within Alex's mind.

"Me too. Also, who is that man? He's really young, I doubt that he's a wizard or something. Maybe some student that came to watch?" Alex responded to Elara. He wondered who that man could be. He wasn't in the room when Alex was born.

"Actually, it is the wizard." Elara answered and Alex got confused but also scared. Is he going to die? Does this guy have enough control over Xen to do it correctly?

"Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a second, this guy is going to give me that crest? What if I die?" Alex quickly asked, at which Elara calmly answered,

"No, you will not die. Magic exists, did you forget? He's using magic to restore his body to that of a 20 year old."

"Oh, that makes sense, I guess" Alex said.

"So, what will be his name?" The wizard asked Alex's parents. Alex's mother looked at Alex's father, then back at the man and answered.

"Alex. His name will be Alex." The man nodded and stood over Alex, looking down at him.

"I was given the same name as I already happened, that's rare, right? I mean, with the amount of names there are." Alex said to Elara.

"Not really, I kinda manipulated your parents' memories and made them name you that. It's easier to not change what I call you." Elara answered. She also added,

"Get ready, it's gonna hurt."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Alex asked confused, and in that moment the wizard began the ritual. Alex kept asking Elara what she meant, but got no answer. Suddenly, he felt pain, not on his physical body but on his Soul. It felt burning hot and freezing cold at the same time, he felt like his Soul was getting destroyed yet only the surface of his Soul was having the crest imprinted on it. After less than a second the pain stopped, but he could've sworn that it was more than a second.

"W-what the hell was that!? What happened!? Why did it hurt!?" Alex asked.

"Well, this 'Identification Crest' is just a different application of a spell that was used to mark slaves. It creates a connection between the Soul of the one casting this spell and the Soul of the person being marked, which allows the caster to take on some of the marked person's physical traits. For example, hunters kept human-cat demihumans as slaves and marked them with this crest, which created a connection between their Souls. Through that connection, the hunter was able to temporarily copy some of that slave's physical traits, such as the eyes or ears, which allowed for easier hunting." Elara explained after combining her knowledge attained from analyzing Alex's father's memories and the crest itself.

"Alright, so it forms a connection between my Soul and this guy's Soul, is that what hurt me? He doesn't look hurt though." Alex asked, pointing out that the young-looking wizard was not in pain at all.

"No, the formation of the connection doesn't hurt, but you don't want to be his slave, right? Basically, he cut the connection, which is just your Soul and his Soul extending towards each other, as soon as it formed, which is what made you feel pain." Elara explained further.

"Ah, okay... Wait, how come it hurts me but not him if the connection is both of our Souls?" Alex asked, again curious why the wizard didn't feel pain.

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