#28: Xionese Civil War: 2

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Dilip Sensei's team return to base and learnt that, the Khorgpohian army occupied an island named Vora almost 1200 km south of the base. Their was not much of resistance there as only 1000 soldiers were there which were mostly of B or C rank.

17 fleets of Khorgpohian army has been destroyed. But 68 fleets landed. Almost above 50 at Vora and almost 16-17 in different other places.

Its a full scale invasion where the destruction of one side was evident. The Xionese army see Eartheons just as mercenaries for work. They are not involved in discussions or planning nor even a Marshal like Dilip sensei.

Actually there is an association of Astral Wielders accross worlds. According to current ranking Earth is at 4th position among the strongest. That's why a lot of missions come by Earth Divine Astral Association.

Since 18th century the Astral Users connected with outside world. There was a 4 users who could teleport at that time as Hyperloop technology was not with Earth at that time. One of them was from the Kolkata, India, named Achinto Roy. His current descendent named Danish Roy shifted to US and is an Admiral there. Even in the family of teleporters not everyone activate this ability. So it was a rarer ability even then Absorption type as only 3 teleport users were known in our world, Earth.

After the day 1 of battle, Dilip sensei asked his group to rest as they don't know when and where they need to go. Viraj and Priyanshi went to a little away from the base into the jungles. Xion was a lot like Earth, its ranking was 6th so Eartheons helping them save themselves. Khorgpoh never wanted to join the association as they don't accept the terms and conditions of the Inter galactic Astral Association. The first and foremost condition to update the number of Astral users and also have them ranked as per the standard system and also send Astral users for missions. This term was not accepted by them as Xion suspect their whole population can Use Astral projection and its abilities. They have been doing ability enhancement experiments, killing non astral users in their planets. And want to do the same with Xion where Astral wielders protect the non wielders. Its the battle of two ideology one who seeks more power and the other seek to keep its freedom.

Viraj and Priyanshi in a nearby grassland were practicing their moves. Priyanshi kicked Viraj which he dodged very easily and they Priyanshi released her rock blade, Viraj decimated all the blades with his Electrokinesis, a technique where he pinpoints the electric bolt on anything that approaches near him within a range of 5 metres. This is a precise defence as anything approaching him slows down then struck by a lightning. Priyanshi then released a continuous fire array at Viraj which he dodged and the array hit the tree behind and got holes in them.

Viraj said, "Timeout." He noticed Priyanshi was becoming a little more dangerous with her attacks, he won't be easy to just defend from her even though he have great healing abilities. They lie on the grassland and looked into the sky.

Priyanshi said, "Why people fighting this war, there is so much deaths just because two planets having same people want to overpower each other."

"Its simple Priya, people want more, always want more and it never gonna change", Viraj replied.

They heard someone approaching and saw some cow-like animals and their breeders they bring these animals to eat the grass. There was a lady who looked like she was in her Forties and a young boy maybe 12-13 years of age. The Xionese were human like they have a red hue in their skin and slits in their neck for breathing. They are of the height of Humans, some are of course taller upto 7-8 feet mostly 6 feet was their average height even for woman. The kid was taller than Viraj.

Viraj and Priyanshi had advanced translating devices that translates their languages in real time.

The Kid said, "Have you arrived from a different world?"
Priyanshi said, "Yes."
"Are you a soldier?" he asked again.
She replied with a nod. And he suddenly transformed his arm into a blade and pierced Priyanshi.

Priyanshi had a very durable and tough outer skin, she was pierced with that weapon means it can pierce any one of them. Viraj instantly released his wind slashes which hit the kid but those were nothing on his skin. Viraj kicked him but he didn't budged. Then he redraw his sword, Priyanshi was bleeding, Viraj raised a soil barrier infront of them and took Priyanshi and flew as fast he could towards the base. As soon as he flew the boy broke the soil barrier and created a dark fusion bomb and released it towards Viraj. Viraj telekinetically attracted every solid thing as barrier and blocked it. But it was such a huge blast that he barely managed to escape. This blast created such a creater, which can kill an army of 6-7 fleets at once and Viraj didn't wanted to test his healing abilities with such an attack. The Boy transformed into a man who wore a black robe and smiled and said, "the Eartheons are weak."

Viraj reached the base, he was releasing healing aura while in flight that helped Priyanshi heal better. Dilip sensei as soon as he heard about the attack came back. Viraj narrated him what happened. Priyanshi's wound was healing slowly then usual. Though bleeding was stopped. Dilip sensei reported this event to the Xionese Commander, who got scared hearing about the event and went away without saying a word. It seems they know this adversary.

Dilip sensei contacted the Earth's Divine Astral Association and stated that the Xionese commanders were not sharing complete information about the happenings. They were hiding a lot of things. The Association said not to thing about such things and do their job as requested. Dilip sensei was very much furious now. One of his student injured and to face an unknown adversary was dangerous. He is spy so he will gather his own information.

Dilip sensei vanished and his team was instructed to not to indulge in any combat until it was on their life.

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