#13: The Relations of the Past

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After seven days, Viraj went to Astral Office, Miss Molina was there with a new bunch of information.

Miss Molina said, "The blood sample taken during your earlier health camp, revealed something, You belong to a noble house."

Viraj said, "I thought so, I might be distant relative of the Suryavanshis or the Rajvarmas, tell me who are my relatives."

Miss Molina said, "None of them, you are related to House Chandravardhan, an extinct clan, the last known member of that clan was Yogendra Chandravardhan, he died in a battle in 1782, he had a daughter named Bisakha who was presumed dead. When we matched your DNA we found you are her descendent."

Viraj asked, "How can you get the reference sample from 1782?"

Miss Molina said, "Well its an interesting story to tell, when Bisakha's was baby her little finger lacerated by because of her cousin brother. Her father had a loyal ice user, who was asked to preserve the finger and they had rushed to the healers, but one that very day her father Yongendra had go for the battle. Unfortunately he died in the battle and their lands and fortress were occupied by other Zamindars. That ice user survived and he kept his promise and preserved it till he died and gave the responsibility to next generation to do the same. In 2012, Indian Divine Astral Headquaters decided to map the genome of our noble houses and Marshalls, the descendent of that ice user named Samarjeet Singh was an employee at the headquater then, so he also enrolled the Clan Chandravardhan, which was known as one of the absorption attribute user clans."

Miss Molina told Viraj everything she got to know from the headquaters. She even told that the headquaters had already cleared the occupants of the ancestral Chandravardhan fortress and lands. They are now willing to give in the name of Viraj and establish the third noble house with Absorption ability. Mr Samarjeet will be arriving today to meet you.

Viraj's world changed in a few days so drastically that it felt like a dream to him. He waited for almost 5 hours at the office playing table tennis with some other employees at Astral Office. Then Mr Samarjeet entered the office. Miss Molina pulled Viraj out of his game and presented him infront of Mr Samarjeet.

Mr Samarjeet said, "I don't have any doubts that you are my Lords descendent, I am so glad to have you found, tell me about yourself do you have brothers and sisters."

Viraj said he was the single child.

Mr Samar said, "You should no more engage yourself in any mission the headquaters will provide A ranked Knights as your body gaurds and you will also have a seat at the Indian Astral Assembly as well as Global Astral Assembly, if you wanna keep studying we can arrange it in any top Universities of the world in any course you want."

Viraj got flabbergasted by the words of Mr Samarjeet. But he replied, "Thankyou for everything Mr Samarjeet, I got to know I am important to you and our country, but A-ranked Knights won't be able to save me from dangers if I am not strong enough, I am happy where I am, I will not stop taking missions as I have to grow and keep growing to protect the people and my country."  Mr Samar got emotionally proud of Viraj. He tried to kneel and bow to Viraj but he stopped him and hugged Mr Samar.

This guy has been serving an unknown lord since so long, his whole family had been doing it. Viraj then asked him why his father or mother haven't awaken any such abilities. He said one have to grow up in an environment full of spen to awaken such abilities or must have a near death situation involving astral dimension to get awaken. Then Viraj told him how he awakened and how he was trained by Dilip Sinha and about Lyasa as much he knew. Mr Samrjeet never heard of Lyasa but promised to search about her.

Mr Samarjeet was a B ranked Knight himself with ice attribute, he was told by Mr Samar that the special abilities from the ones fallen by his hand will be extracted. Telekinetic attribute was also a hereditary attribute of Chandravardhans but not Healing, Electricity or Wind, those must have been extracted and with time, training and absorption of Spen became an usable ability.

Mr Samarjeet gave Viraj a ring, a sword and a dagger which belong to Yogendra Chandravardhan, its a sign he is the current head of the Chandravardhans and their house has been established. Though Samarjeet will invite him and his whole family to Chandranagar, a town in borders of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. There Viraj will have to participate in a ceremony called Raj-abhishek and officially become the head of Chandravardhans. Viraj asked can't his father become the head and he would be the acting head and attend to the Astral realms necessities. Samarjeet said it can be done, he can become the Yuvraj of the Chandranagar. Mr Samar left the Astral Office, Gauhati. That man left with a peaceful smile. Viraj didn't knew he was so important.

Viraj promised himself to grow so strong that he would be able to not only protect his country but the whole Earth. He was accepted another mission, where he have to protect a peaceful country from an army of Rogue astral users. It was in Torea. The planet of the girl with psychotic abilities. One day in that planet was 2 hours in Earth, each day of 26 hours. Viraj asked Miss Molina to safe keep the ring, sword and dagger. He went directly for the mission. He was transferred to junction 9C.

A group of 100 D rankers, 30 C rankers and 20 B rankers, 10 A rankers & 1 ranked Commanders knights dispatched. He reached juction 9C where he could see D ranker table. He walked upto it and took his usual stuffs like the bag and a sword, a knife and a hand gun. He got into the hyperloop and was off for another exciting mission.

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