#21: Giant killer Viraj

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Priyanshi was anxious, she feared Viraj would take some reckless risk to eliminate the target. She was sending him radio signals but he was not responding.... Viraj was busy fighting.

Daniel got hit by one of the blades and he fell on the ground. Viraj wanted to end it soon, he tried to activate wind torpedo. He have copied the attack of Luiz. The commander couldn't dodge that, it was powerful and a big attack. The attack have hit the commander and his dorsal side got obliterated.

Seeing Viraj also absorb the Redonean captain gave him a thumbs up. Viraj healed Daniel and radioed Priyanshi that the commander is down.

Priyanshi was relieved, now the captain took out some explosives and planted them in various position inside the cave. They took down easily who came in his their way. They went out of the tunnels but Daniel was still recovering, and couldn't use his invisibility. Priyakshi and the remaining created a diversion and they Viraj telekinetically carried them and flew towards the remaining team, Priyanshi also not wasting time used her flying saucer and the rest of them flew with her.

The Captain activated the explosives, and it resulted in big explosions, God knows if anyone was there alive. They stopped near a plateau like slope and had a break and discussed about the next target who was in a castle town of demetors. This time they have planned to go underground, Priyanshi can create tunnel instantly and they will get into the interior of the town. This was a town of commoners so they won't be visible to them anyway but there is always a possibility of Astral users finding them. So their plan is simple, keep your sense high look for someone who might attack and eliminate them before they can do the same. Daniel's ability has also been refreshed.

They reached the Castle. Priyanshi was helped by another soil user, Viraj helped by clearing the way, so the others did something or the other to assist in mission. They were inside and now Priyanshi drilled a very small hole upwards, so that on one person can come out. Priyanshi went out at first and she suddenly shouted don't come out and closed the way. There was a huge sound and tremor. Viraj tried his best to blast out of the soil but couldn't. He instantly revert back and flew out of the tunnel as fast as he could. He started flying above the castle, there were astral users gaurding the castle walls they started firing guns at him, he was dodged some got hit by some he didn't cared, he landed on the castle wall killed the two astral warriors with his wind slashes. Then he flew to the prospected point where Priyanshi might have been. He saw a giant demetor which was quite large compared to the other demetors and was punching Priyanshi.... Viraj was mad seeing that, the demetor was a also an explosive type, his punches on contact creates a burst, if someone other than priyanshi would have to face that attack they might not even have pieces of their body. Her body had great fire resistance and her strength and durability was also quite high, but she was also bleeding now after continuous attacks... She never expected to meet such an enemy at that point of entry inside the castle.

Viraj's wind slashes were useless against that enemy, it just pushed a little back by the attack, so was his torpedo attacks. It felt like the giant had some kind of protection that made him immune to the attacks. Other astral user were flooding the place but Viraj showed no mercy killing them. He was not even thinking or looking, he was just slashing. Viraj had been training in fire attack, but it was basic, but if he could slow or stop him for some time, he can rescue Priyanshi. Viraj released fire on a nearby log and telekinetically threw it towards the giant, as soon as the log reached the giant Viraj release a precise lightning attack at the Giant shocking him, the giant got fazed for a little. Viraj took Priyanshi and left the as soon as possible. As he was leaving the giant was able to grab him by his leg with the help of a arrow-rope which pierced Viraj through his left leg. The rest of the team had arrived from the gate, as most of the astral Users busy attacking Viraj the rest of them got chance to enter.

Viraj was pulled but he landed somehow and place Priyanshi on ground. Viraj cut the rope and pulled the arrow out of his leg, he then started moving towards the giant. Priyanshi tried to stop him but he was damn furious.... He tore of his torn shirt and strated to focus his spen in buffing his body up, his muscles were getting prominent, he had improved his strength attributes a lot and was on his way to test them. He ran with his lightning speed and punched the giant but the giant also reacted with a punch and both their knuckles clashed and a explosion occurred at point of contact. Viraj had the durability not upto the level of Priyanshi and his healing also helping him instantly. The two started their hand to hand and kick to kick fight. Viraj was moving faster and his electric induced punches were creating problem for the giant. Viraj was easily evading his punches or stomps. Viraj noticed a girl, from a distance buff the giant. She was none other than the 2nd commander. Viraj took a moment telekinetically pulled a fallen spear induced with electricity and threw it at her. As soon as it was near her the spear disintegrated. The giant got distracted with this sudden attack on the commander and mistimed a punch, viraj seized the opportunity, took out his dagger and shoved it in his eye and fried his body with point blank lightning. Then wind torpedo him on his other eye. His attack was too close and on his weak spots, even the buff was not enough to protect him. His brain got obliterated. Viraj stared at the Commander who had an evil smile.

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