#25: Servetrix: Back to the beginning

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All the students came out along with the staff. Viraj went inside alone. As soon as Viraj enter and the group starts getting to toy and kill him, the marshals will rush. Viraj entered the school.

After just one minute the 12 marshals entered the school in an instant. They saw the school was empty and found a gem. They returned instantly and found that it was the gem on the chandrvardhan ring Viraj got from Mr Samar. This ring had a property, it can locate its other part despite any realm. They used its property in use and were trying to locate.

When Viraj entered the school, as he reached the hall, every Astral user was laughing, Then he they all ran and entered a portal and then Karan came from nowhere and said, "Hello friend" and pushed him in a portal, Karan created those portals and all of them reached Servetrix. It was the same planet as of Viraj's 1st mission.

The leader of Demetors stood on a rock, they were in a field like area, all the Warriors they brought were surrounding Viraj. The leader of Demetor said something in their language.

Karan who knew there language now did the courtesy of translating it to Viraj, he said, "Today we will take vengeance, our 5th commander was killed by this boy, 1st commander will have the honour to kill him and no others will enter the arena let 1st commander take his vengeance. You are lucky as always, only one will be attacking you, I know you have become stronger but how much strong we will see", Karan spoke those and went on the side. Viraj thought he have a chance. The Marshals will arrive soon as he had left his gem.

Here the tech team still figuring out how to locate. Its a very old artifact and its uses were not in use for a long time, earlier there was always a spatial attribute user who could teleport to the position. The teleportation technique user are rare and currently India don't have one.

Viraj was ready, he was a shredded muscular boy now, he don't have any weapons, so it would be a hand to hand power battle. 1st Commander transformed into the giant. It was almost 18-19 feet tall, bulky but swift. Viraj had a good strength boost since last time he fought the other giant. The giant near Viraj and released ice towards him. Viraj created a wind and fire release that melted ice. It was like a straight beam of fire. He was learning to fuse his attributes, which is a very good sign of improvement. Then the giant released electricity on the ice. This electric attack was strong. In the meantime the giant closed the distance between them and punched him directly. Viraj blocked the punch but he went flying backwards due to the impact. Then the giant again threw an avalanche of ice at Viraj. Viraj cleared the ice coming at him by wind slashes, then he released a torpedo with three properties, slashes effect with the rotating effect and electricity rotating against the torpedo inside of the torpedo. This effect was creating a heat energy that was glowing like s light and Viraj released it at the giant. This attack was a ultimate attack. The giant blocked it with its arm which got damaged badly, his bones were out and muscles and blood oozing out. But his arm was healing back and the giant made a huge laugh. Viraj was astonished and though it would be a long fight.

Viraj fused his electric ability with the fire and air. He now can bifurcate  gases in air because of his telekinetic abilities, with which each element can be sensed in a proximity. Viraj directed his maximum proximity toward the giant and created a hydrogen, oxygen, prapane, butane in air attracting them to form a cylinder. Then he compined the electric and fire which created a very hot beam of fire that pierced the ice wall created by the giant piercing his abdomen. The giant fell on his knees, this created an opening for Viraj who used his electric torpedo at the head of the giant, this attack, almost broke off his head and his skull was exposed but he healed it again, this time he stood up again and said, "you are not bad, it would be an honour to kill such an adversary." The giant reverted back to his smaller size. Now he was running very fast, his movements were like at the speed of sound. Because Viraj could him later than he hear his approaching steps, once he was there and left the very moment, he cut the distance between them and instantly released an ice attack, this time Viraj was trapped in it but melted it so he could escape. At the moment he had escaped the ice, the  commander kicked him very hard enough to make him fly away. Viraj maneuver in the air to land a little away from the commander.

Viraj created a very strong telekinetic shield and sat down, he started creating fusion of wind torpedo, wind slash, fire column and electric bolt to its element level and the result was that the elements inside it were fusing, to each other creating a nuclear fusion beam. This compression also started to peel of  Viraj's skin. He was not healing fast enough to recover and then he released it on the incoming commander. The commanders body was torn into two parts from the middle. The head chest and arms fell off as the legs and hips kept running towards Viraj and atlast stopped and fell down. His healing ability cannot regenerate now a whole body. Viraj created another fusion beam and struck his head and completely obliterated it.

Viraj absorbed the spen and felt a boost like never before. He was levelling up with every enemy he faced. The Demetor Leader was furious as he saw his best man being killed. Then he shouted to charge at Viraj. Then suddenly someone came and said to Viraj, "Well done, now lets finish them all", said Dilip sensei. Viraj was delighted as the Marshal might have come but it was only Dilip sensei.

"How are you here sensei and why are you alone?" Viraj asked.

"Well I came with you, I have an ability I didn't mentioned earlier, I can become invisible", said Dilip sensei.

"Then you should have brought 2-3 more, see the numbers", said Viraj.

"Have trust in yourself Virendra Chandra-vardhan, we can get those alone, use your best attack and don't give them time to recover, everyone of them have healing ability to some extent", said Mr Dilip.

"Alright," said Viraj and the battle began.

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